Tammy Rajabi


Tammy Rajabi, Children’s Director

Tammy Rajabi has always had a passion for children and has worked with them in various roles throughout the years; as a teacher, mother, program director for MOPs, education coach, assistant director of a preschool and Children’s Ministry Director.

Tammy was born in Houston, Texas, raised in Kansas City, Missouri and moved back to Houston in high school when she met her husband, Bay. They married in 1995 and together have three children, Brenden, Ryan and Alyssa. Tammy has a background in both early childhood development and Human Resources and received her bachelor's degree in psychology from Colorado Christian University.

Tammy loves to take long drives with Bay, shop with Alyssa, and visit her sons in Lubbock and parents in Katy. She is also kind of crazy about her four-legged babies, Penny and Remington.