No Condemnation

You have placed your faith in what Jesus has done on the cross on your behalf, but now what? Is that all there is to the Christian life? Have you moved forward spiritually since that happened?  Romans 8 helps us get unstuck and grow and mature in our journey with Jesus. 

Romans was written by Paul. Pastor Adam spent some time reminding us of Paul’s history, found mostly in the book of Acts when he was originally known as Saul.  He is sometimes referred to as Saul of Tarsus. He probably came from fame and fortune. He was privileged and studied under the best teachers. He was a zealot for hunting down and killing believers of “The Way,” which is what the Christian faith was known as during that time. It was on the road toward Damascus, where Saul was headed to find pockets of believers, where a voice from heaven spoke and he was struck blind. God questioned Saul as to why he persecuted Him, and Saul was transformed and became Paul. 

Paul knows and understands grace. He also knows and understands the law. Thus, he is a perfect author for the book of Romans, and perhaps particularly Romans 8, that helps us understand how to walk in the power and purpose of the Holy Spirit.   

INVITATION: Pastor Adam pointed out the purposes of the Holy Spirit are to show us who God is, to show us who we are and to show us what life is all about.  Join in this week and in the next few weeks as we seek to get unstuck and move forward in our walk with Jesus Christ and live life in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

MONDAY:  Romans 7:17-25:  Paul was no stranger to the struggle against the sinful nature. On a daily basis we fall short of being who God wants us to be and of doing what God wants us to do. Is there one area of your life where you have experienced continual struggle - perhaps for years? Tell God about your struggles. Try reading these scriptures from The Message. Do you identify with Paul?  Tell Jesus about it and put it on His shoulders today and this week. 

TUESDAY:  Romans 8:1-2: If you have received Christ into your life and placed faith in Him, there is NO CONDEMNATION.  Jesus’ death on the cross renders you blameless. Consider finding some object to carry with you as a reminder of the Spirit within you - a cross, a small rock, a written verse from Scripture. Keep this symbol where you can see and touch it when you need to remember you live by grace and there is no condemnation.  It might be helpful to end your prayer time reading Romans 8:1-2 as God’s promise to you. How can you take that promise into the remainder of the week? 

WEDNESDAY:  Romans 8:3-4: What the law could not do, Jesus took care of by his death on a cross. Jesus permanently took care of the “human condition” of sin, the very thing that separates us from God. Spend some time today in gratitude about this.  Consider making a time of gratitude part of your daily prayer.  

THURSDAY:  Romans 8:5 The very Spirit of God lives in you. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.  How might you be able to set your mind on that fact today?  Ask God to help you grasp this and how to apply it in your life on a daily and practical basis. 

FRIDAY:  Romans 8:6-11:  Pastor Adam suggested we pray each day, asking for the power of the Holy Spirit. How might you remember that daily in your life?  Consider making this something you pray about regarding specifics in your life and in your day today. For example:  perhaps you need the power of the Spirit of God for an important meeting, or in interactions with your spouse and/or kids.  

SATURDAY: Romans 8:12: You are under no obligation to do what your sin nature tries to get you to do. How can you begin praying for more strength in times of temptation?