The "More"

This week’s Ten Minutes with God is an August 8, 2021 repost.

At some point, many pilgrims on the spiritual journey realize there is "more" to the Christian life and following Jesus.  More than just church attendance. More than just reading the Bible. More than just believing the right things and doing the right behavior.  

There is a transcendent "more". It is where deep calls to deep (Psalm 42:7). It is the point where someone "gets it" and responds to Jesus, making Him first in their lives. People can (and sometimes should) study, reason, and use their logical faculties. But at some point, it is beyond explanation and beyond understanding.  It is mystery and it is supernatural.  

INVITATION:  Al Hassler spoke today regarding this transcendent "more."  He addressed the following:  1) Who get's this "more?"  2) How do they get it, and; 3) What happens when they get it?   C.S. Lewis said, " If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world." Do you have this desire and  longing for "more" in your life with God?   

MONDAY:  Luke 23:39-41:  One of the thieves got the "more" and the other one didn't. However, this thief was a moral outsider. He was a convicted criminal and was not a Jew. He didn't know and observe all the laws and regulations of the time. In short, he didn't believe or behave correctly. Yet, he saw, he sensed, and he knew there was something "more" to this guy called "the King of the Jews" who was being crucified next to him.   Have you ever sensed the "more" in someone else?  The Bible talks about the "fragrance" of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever sensed that fragrance?  Think back on that person and that time. Was there anything in particular going on in you that made you particularly spiritually sensitive during that time?  Has anything changed?

TUESDAY:  Luke 23:47:  The Centurion got the "more."  Yet he was a racial outsider.  He was a Gentile and not a Jew. At that time in history, it was believed only the Jews could inherit eternal life.  Similar to the thief on the cross, he was not included in the "in" group with power, prestige and authority.  Verse 47 indicates the Centurion "praised God."  Al Hassler pointed out that "praising God" is mentioned six times in Luke and each time is when someone has realized there is "more"--that they have encountered the transcendent Son of God. What about you? Are you ready for a deeper and more authentic walk with Jesus Christ? Are you ready for "more" in the depth of your journey in this life and with Jesus?  It's more than just knowing ABOUT Jesus - - it's intimately knowing, and being known, by Him.  Are you open to such a relationship of "more?" 

WEDNESDAY:  Luke 23:55-56:  The women knew and understood the "more" yet they were social outsiders.  At this time and in this culture,  women had no social standing.  Over the past three days, we have examined Luke 23 and observed that moral, racial and social outsiders could know and understand the call to "more."  God's call includes outsiders and outcasts in our culture and in our lives. It includes the poor and the powerless. How do you feel about that?  As you spend some time with this, are you willing to allow the Spirit of God to examine your heart and life to see if you have any spiritual pride in your life?  

THURSDAY:  Luke 23:50-53:  Joseph of Arimathea was a Jew. He was a member of the Sanhedrin....the powerful Jewish counsel. He was male and he had money.   This week's teaching and study show us that this "more" is available to ANYONE who wants it.  It is not just for the outcasts and it is not just for the rich and educated.  Matthew 7:7-8 says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "  Are you seeking "more" of Jesus in your life?  If not, perhaps you can begin by praying for the desire for more of Jesus.  

FRIDAY:  Luke 23:39-41:  One of the thieves hurled insults and issued a "test" for God saying, "If you are the King of the Jews save yourself and us."  Al pointed out many people - even believers - are like this, i.e. when crisis happens, they try to make "deals" with God and put him to the test with some type of "IF" proposal.  For example: "IF you get me out of this mess, THEN..." (fill in the blank.).   However, a proposal like this shows that the true God in their lives is whatever is on the other side of that "IF" comment.  These people don't really want God for God's sake, they only what his "stuff" and what he can do for them.  

What comes FIRST in your life and priorities? Making God the number one thing in your life is how you come into the "more" in life with God.   Another C.S. Lewis quote is, "Put first things first and second things are thrown in. Put second things first and you lose both first and second things."   What is taking up God's place in your life right now?  Saint Ignatius calls these things "disordered attachments" in his Spiritual Exercises.  Do you have some "disordered attachments" in your life these days?  How can you form more attachment to Jesus Christ and make him first? 

SATURDAY:  Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:1-3; and Romans 3:21-22.  When you get  the "more" of what it means at the deepest levels to be a Christ follower, you live into what is called "the exchanged life."  Somehow you are in/with/part of Jesus Christ. You have been given the righteousness of Christ.  It is mystery. It is supernatural. It is the "more."   How can you allow Jesus Christ to live in and through you this week?