Stories of Thanks 2019

Gratitude and thanksgiving. These two mindsets have been scientifically proven to be healthy and to bring a deep level of joy. Neuro-science tells us that speaking gratitude and remembering to be grateful give us a dopamine drip and a serotonin rush which helps build healthy neuro-pathways in our brain. It is also scriptural and builds trust in our good God. Thanks (worship) is the only thing we can give God. Everything else, He gives to us.

In this world of gripes, negativity, and cynicism, saying a simple “thank you” as a regular practice can be good for our soul. In the words of Ann Voskamp in her book 1000 Gifts, "Thanksgiving creates abundance." It seems to multiply itself….or God multiplies it for us when we offer it as a gift to Him and others. Gratitude is the gate that leads all involved into the wide open space of God’s grace and goodness.

INVITATION: What better gift can we offer to God and others than the gift of gratitude? Join us this week as we focus on praise, gratitude and thanksgiving. How can you make the practice of gratitude more of a spiritual practice in your daily life?

MONDAY: Revelation1:8 & Revelation 11:17: Sometimes it is helpful to spend time and prayer in gratefulness to God for who He is and what He has done. You are invited to thank God today for what He is doing in your life and in the world, and also for what He is going to do. Pay attention to how your day goes and how your mood and emotions are during the day as you focus on being grateful to God.

TUESDAY: I Thessalonians 5:18: Thankfulness is a choice that is intentionally made. It is a heart posture that we must choose. This is difficult sometimes, especially when things do not seem to be going as planned. Often it is hard to understand or imagine God’s will at these times. What does this verse tell you about what God’s will is for those who belong to Christ Jesus? Pastor Adam suggested 3 paths to thankfulness: 1) In every circumstance; 2) For the people in your life; 3) For God’s presence. Which of these stands out the most for you today? Perhaps you can focus specifically on prayer and a heart stance of gratitude as you go about your day?

WEDNESDAY: Luke 15:20. Today you are invited to specifically focus on gratefulness for the relationship of our heavenly FATHER.

THURSDAY: Romans 3:22-23: Today you are invited to focus on gratefulness for the sacrifice of the SON.

FRIDAY: Romans 15:13: Today you are invited to focus on gratefulness for the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT.

SATURDAY: Col. 2:7: This verse has instructions for how to “overflow with thankfulness” in your life. Who doesn’t want that? How can you let your roots grow deeper in Christ Jesus? One suggestion is to go to (under resources) and sign up to receive the devotions that will be published each day during the season of Advent (which begins 12/1). Many believers find this specific time of focus helps them stay plugged in to Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas during what can be a crazy time of year. The devotions will focus on many of the names of Jesus found in scripture - - - what better person to focus on during Advent? Another common spiritual practice to help with gratefulness is to keep a gratefulness journal. Then, when times seem dark and uncertain, go back and review God’s faithfulness in your life.


to you & yours