The resurrection changed everything. It changed cultures and it changed lives. It still changes lives today. We all have brokenness in our lives that we cannot fix - no matter how hard we try. We need relief and we need rescue. God provided the rescue in the form of His son. The Cross + Resurrection = Rescue.
Pastor Adam told the story of Port Authority workers who were trapped inside an elevator after the tragedy of 9/11. They pounded on the metal and were heard and rescued. Have you pounded on the metal yet in regard to your life? Have you realized you cannot do this thing called “life” alone and by yourself? If the men in the elevator had not chosen to admit they needed rescuing, they would not have been heard. Are you ready to be rescued by God? Even if you have reached out for God’s saving grace for salvation, perhaps there is something specific in your life right now where you need to reach out for God to rescue you. Perhaps its a relationship, perhaps its an addiction, perhaps its unforgiveness. Will you humble yourself enough to seek rescue this week?
Al Hassler shared his personal testimony of trying to live out life by the ways of the world. By all the worldly standards, he should have been happy, yet he felt stuck and struggled in the “miry pit” (Psalm 40:2) of sin. When he called on the name of Jesus Christ and “pounded on the metal” in his life, he was rescued. Its not always easy and it takes humility, but it will change the trajectory of your life and relationships - just as it did in Al’s life. What about you? Are you living a life chasing what the world says will make you happy or are you living for Jesus Christ?
INVITATION: Even though the events of 9/11 seem particularly crazy, we still live in a crazy and broken world. We are at war and we are divided - even within our own families. We need to be rescued by the power of the cross and the Holy Spirit living within us. Join in this week as we examine the need to be rescued and God’s plan to do just that. Are you ready to admit the need for rescue?
MONDAY: Matthew 28:1-7: A violent earthquake, an angel, the stone rolled away and no body. “He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you…” Do you believe in the miracle of the resurrection and that even today Jesus goes ahead of you in your life? He died and rose FOR YOU and for your benefit. How can you live into that truth this week?
TUESDAY: Romans 3:22-26: We ALL have brokenness and need to be rescued. We have all sinned. We are justified (made right) only by the “grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Have you accepted this free gift of grace offered by Jesus Christ? If not, why not now? Some people find it helpful to begin each day accepting this free gift all over again. They see it as a spiritual reminder of the need to be rescued again and again on a daily basis - a re-surrender of their life each day. What might be a good reminder in your life of your need to be rescued? Do you find yourself resistant to the thought that you need rescuing? How might you pray about that?
WEDNESDAY: Psalm 70:1 & 5: The psalmist begs for help from the Lord, and confesses to being poor and needy. How do you feel about considering yourself poor and needy? Those aren’t popular words in our self-sufficient, independent culture, are they? Do you feel a resistance toward those words and sentiments to describe yourself? How do think it might affect your daily life to confess your need for a savior and rescuer? Is there an area of your life in which you can confess to being poor and needy? God can and will rescue.
THURSDAY: Psalm 49:7-9 & I Timothy 2:3-6: Only the provision of Christ can redeem and rescue and bridge the gap between God and man. No other type of payment is enough. We cannot try hard enough or be good enough. Is there some area in your life where you might cease striving and begin to trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ? Are you still trying to somehow “earn” God’s favor? You are invited to lay that at the foot of the cross this week.
FRIDAY: Galatians 1:3-4: Jesus willingly gave himself to rescue you, according to the will of God the father. Jesus WILLINGLY laid down his life so you could have freedom. As you ponder that today, what would you like to say to Jesus during your prayer time?
SATURDAY: Psalm 91:14-15: What emotions do you feel as you read the promises of God for those who call upon His name and seek being rescued?