Many of us own or have owned dogs. One of the primary ways dogs learn is by "patterning." They pattern what time their walk is and certainly what time their dinner is served! All of us who own dogs can testify that our canine best friends tell us when it is dinner time. They are excited, enthusiastic and happy for their meal to be served - even though it's probably the very same meal day after day after day.
We are invited by God to the great banquet feast in the Kingdom of God. There is a place for YOU and a place for me at the table. Wouldn't it be great if we were all as excited about this special invitation to this special meal as our dogs are when it's their dinner time?
Familiarity can become the enemy of eagerness.
INVITATION: God wants to meet with you personally. Yes, even in the midst of a pandemic and an election year and among the stresses of every day life. Have you lost your awe and wonder about Jesus' death on a cross to cover your sins? Do you take for granted that Jesus calls you his BELOVED? Has Jesus become too familiar in your life?
MONDAY: Luke 14:1: Jesus was at a meal that was likely for all the advantaged people of the time. He was being carefully watched by the "prominent Pharisee" and his guests. They all seem to be waiting for Jesus to slip up. Why? Likely they were waiting to do the equivalent of what today might be posting on social media to try to discredit him. To condemn him. Think about the kind of heart that purposely seeks to find the wrong in another, discredit them, and then do all they can to ruin the person. This election year has been full of such people - and many of them professed followers of Jesus. This should give you pause if you are a follower of Jesus. Did you get caught up in such condemnation and judgment? What and who are your eyes focused on for truth? Do you get too wrapped up in what other people are doing and saying and let it get under your skin too much? Can you truly "see" the other person when you are wrapped up in this unhealthy heart stance?
Consider this quote by theologian Dallas Willard from his book"The Divine Conspiracy": Condemnation is the board in our eye. He knows that the mere fact that we are condemning someone shows our heart does not have the kingdom rightness he has been talking about. Condemnation, especially with its usual accompaniments of anger and contempt and self-righteousness, blinds us to the reality of the other person. We cannot “see clearly” how to assist our brother, because we cannot see our brother. And we will never know how to truly help him until we have grown into the kind of person who does not condemn. Period. “Getting the board out” is not a matter of correcting something that is wrong in our life so that we will be able to condemn our dear ones better—more effectively, so to speak.
TUESDAY: Luke 14:2-6: Jesus asked a question about one of their man made laws, and everyone remained silent. Jesus proceeded to heal on the sabbath. What question has Jesus asked you recently? One I often think of comes from Isaiah 55: "Why spend money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy?" Spend some time today praying and reflecting on if there may be a question Jesus is asking in your life? Is there an invitation to you from this question in Isaiah?
WEDNESDAY: Luke 14:7-11: God will find the proper placement for everyone. Can you trust that in your life? Can you trust that in the lives of others and not try to control it?
THURSDAY: Luke 14:12-14: The Pharisees at this meal are religious and perhaps advantaged, but they have lost sight of what truly matters. The poor, crippled, sinners, and less advantaged have an advantage in knowing they do not deserve a place at Jesus' table. What is your attitude about the place you have been set at the great banquet table? Do you take it for granted or are you appreciative and realize how undeserving you are and remember that it's only because of Jesus righteousness you even have been invited?
FRIDAY: Luke 14:15-21: The excuses not to come to the banquet were not sins in and of themselves. These three examples used were about letting good things get in the way of the best. Could that be happening in your life and circumstances? Have you fallen into the trap of choosing the GIFT over the GIVER?
SATURDAY: Luke 14:22-24: Jesus wants his house full. Notice the wording of the invitation is to "MY banquet." You have been invited to the banquet table of Jesus Christ. Have you responded or are you making excuses?