3 John

This very short book presents a startling contrast between Gaius and Diotrephes. Chances are you have not heard of these Bible characters. They certainly are not often discussed, but this week’s teaching and study presents a powerful contrast of personal character traits that can show up within the church and on the Christian journey. 

This sermon series has been planned for a long time, but is coming at a strategic time as Rockhills Church prepares its move from meeting at a school (where it has met virtually since its inception) to having its own building. There WILL be things that are hard and uncomfortable for everyone. There will be changes and things that will be different and maybe even more difficult. It will probably seem a little unorganized at first. You may find you prefer things “the way they were.” No matter what faith community you are part of, this week’s study might challenge your attitude about what GOD’S CALL for you is as opposed to what makes you the most happy and comfortable regarding your Christian walk and your faith family.  Are you willing to be open and honest with God and with yourself? Will you examine your heart regarding a possible tendency toward self love and toward being inhospitable (that can tear down a Christian community) versus truthful living that demonstrates integrity and uplifts a community? 

At the very basic level, Gaius shows us an influential faith that is full of authentic living and generosity.  Diotrephes was a church leader, yet shows us what being “me oriented” in the Christian life and in a faith community can look like. Pastor Adam showed this video. It’s short. It’s funny, but does it strike a chord with you that you will reflect upon this week? 

INVITATION:  This book is the shortest in the Bible. It is only 13 verses. As you go through each day there will be very little reading, but there may be quite a bit of heart and soul searching. Are you willing to be vulnerable and allow the light of Jesus into your life this week?  You are invited to read the scriptures each day and prayerfully take them into your day. Listen for the “still small voice” (I Kings 19) of God in your life.  

MONDAY:  3 John 1:1-4: Our society is health conscious, a phenomenon that is clearly confirmed by the number of health publications, vitamins, supplements, gyms, exercise equipment, and healing techniques that are readily available. Modern medicine is finally discovering the reality, which Scripture has consistently communicated, that there is a connection between the health of our spirit and the health of our bodies. We rarely hear, however, that one of the basic principles of a healthy life is truth!  When our lives are characterized by honesty and integrity, we reduce the need to conceal or deceive. Our level of peace goes up and our stress level goes down. Jesus was telling the gospel truth when he reminded us that the TRUTH sets us free (John 8:32). Where do you most need this freedom in your life? Are you being challenged in some way to walk in greater truth? Spend some time today quietly seeking God’s Spirit about this topic. Pastor Adam mentioned a few things that tend to show up in people who are living into "the way the truth and the life” of Jesus (John 14:6):  They have probably asked how they can pray for you; they readily repent; they love well; they serve even when its not easy or convenient.  Do these characteristics show up in your life?  Our culture readily espouses them, but not many people truly live them. 

TUESDAY:  3 John 5-6: Influential living is faithfully loving - even strangers.  At your deepest heart level, how do you feel and act toward strangers? How might you take that into prayer today? 

WEDNESDAY:  I Cor. 13:1-3:  Like Diotrephes, you can do and be a lot of things that look and sound “religious.” However, if you don’t have authentic love, it is nothing. In our own power, we are unable to love the way Christ calls us to love others. Have you ever prayed for His love to flow THROUGH you, or do you seem to keep trying harder and failing?  You might continue to fail, but calling on Jesus to live through you is life changing in learning to live what the Message version of Matthew 11:28-30 calls “the unforced rhythms of grace.” One of my favorite authors talks about “training vs. trying.” Are you TRYING too hard--all in your own strength? Perhaps training more in the ways of Jesus will take some pressure off and help you life in a more faithfully loving way similar to Gaius. And also make things work out more like “unforced rhythms” in your life?  

THURSDAY: 3 John 7-8:  This verse mentions “for the sake of the Name.” That Name is Jesus. Do you seek to live your life for the “sake of the Name?”  How does your life exhibit hospitality? Are you willing to ask God if HE has anything to show you regarding hospitality? This is not about laying a bunch of false guilt on yourself. Truly ask God to speak, and then listen. Does the Spirit inside you seem to be showing you or telling you something? Maybe not. That’s fine. However, you might consider journaling and paying attention if the Spirit seems to speak to you. Scripture talks about “deep calling to deep” (Psalm 42:7).  Are you willing to listening to the deep call on your life or do  you take the easy way out and stay on the surface? 

FRIDAY:  3 John 9-10: Diotrephes “loves to be first.”  Who doesn’t? That is something we all must fight because of our human, sin nature. It feels GOOD to be first. It meets a lot of our needs. However, the Christian life is counter intuitive and counter cultural in most ways. That is why its called the “upside down kingdom.” We are called to DIE to ourselves. Consider praying for God to show you ways you seek to be first in your life and in your relationships. 

SATURDAY: 3 John 11-13: These verses seem to indicate Diotrephes would not acknowledge authority. There has been a lot of abuse and misuse of power in the church structure over the years, but are you willing to be teachable?  Are you guilty, like Diotrephes, of using the church for your own benefit?  Pastor Adam ended the teaching asking this question:  How will your faith be remembered?