Our Worship Leader, Josh Nunez, and Pastor Adam Harris, did a great job of ushering us into God’s presence even though it had to be done virtually. No one around the Rockhills Church faith community are trained professionals in the world of sound or video streaming, yet we pray God can use us even in our weakness. We still serve the God of the loaves and fishes and trust in him and not ourselves. May God use this unusual time in history for HIS kingdom. Lord, we trust you with this time and with our talents: on Facebook, on our website, and in any way we can be a light for you. Stay tuned to our Facebook page this week for lots of resources: Ten Minutes With God Bible study, community updates and resources, children’s resources, praise and worship opportunities, devotionals, and even some fun, light hearted offerings.
Pastor Adam talked of how the Body of Christ is coming together in unprecedented ways, despite the crisis we are all experiencing. Our world is full of anxiety, loneliness, worry and depression because of the corona virus pandemic. How are we - as Christ followers - supposed to respond to all this? If most of us are honest, even the most steadfast and faith-filled believers are experiencing waves of stress and worry. Everyone is off balance. After all, we are ALL human beings.
There are certainly no easy answers or simple formulas, yet our “fast food/fast information” culture has trained us to look for quick fixes and even expect that, hasn’t it? How can we step back and slow down and seek to view all these things through the lens of our faith in Jesus Christ? This situation has now gone on long enough that most of us are past the initial adrenaline phase of striving to “fix” the problem, get our footing and figure out what we can do and where we can go. We’re finding there are not many choices available to us and we truly cannot control this. What now? How can you and I truly walk by faith and not by sight in this time and place? How can we do it with hope and assurance? Pastor Adam offered a particular word of advice during this time: Do not make any long term permanent decisions. More than ever, it is a time to live in the present and not project too much into the future. Now more than ever, do not allow yourself to plant and grow in all the “what ifs” that can contribute to anxiety and fear.
INVITATION: Christ has already conquered death. Believers have put their faith in Jesus Christ. Because of that, we are not like everyone else. We have promises and we have tools. Most of all, we have the power of the Holy Spirit residing within us and have the ability to see, using our lens of faith. May this week’s scripture readings bring the peace of Christ, which passes ALL understanding and may it truly guard your heart and mind each day this week (Phil. 4:7).
MONDAY: Romans 12:2; I Thes. 4:13: Because of Jesus Christ, we have spiritual tools to help in this situation. Are you refraining from “conforming to this world” during this confusing time? Are you relying on the hope that is available to you? How can you bring that into the presence of Jesus today, maybe even by way of confession that your hope feels small? As hard and confusing as these times are, it is an opportunity for faith to grow and deepen in profound ways. How can you dig deep into the treasure of Jesus Christ this week and begin to rely on your “lens” of faith? Could there be something for you from God that you will only be able to see through the eyes of Covid-19?
TUESDAY: John 14:1 & John 14:25-27. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Jesus is saying we can trust him. He is telling us to “believe” in God - not a generic, pie in the sky “god” but “the Father” to whom he leads us. How can you make a choice to trust him and the Father to hear your troubles today? Name what is troubling and worrying you right now. Feel the intensity of it and confess all that to Jesus. Face the immensity and offer it in complete abandonment to God. Consider praying, “Lord, I choose you rather than fear” and take that prayer with you, repeating it many times during the day. Let GOD shoulder your fear and trouble. Jesus is promising that you will not be orphaned and left to face your troubles alone. Can you lean into that today and this week and live by faith and not fear as Pastor Adam encouraged us in his teaching?
WEDNESDAY: Phil. 4:4-9: God is not taken by surprise by this situation. What image does the word “peace” create for you? It has rich Biblical connotations of reconciliation, wholeness, health and unity. Are you experiencing peace in your life right now, even among these circumstances? As you read and ponder these verses, consider making two columns on a page of your journal. In one column list some of the things that are robbing you of peace. In the other column note some things that are bringing a sense of peace. Which column reflects the condition you find yourself in most often right now? How can this scripture help guide you into great peace during this unprecedented time in history?
THURSDAY: 2 Timothy 1:7: Believers have the spirit of power, love and self-discipline. As you separate out these gifts available to us because of Jesus, i.e. 1) power, 2) love, 3) self- discipline, what might you take into prayer today? How can you pray for your friends and family using this verse? Pastor Adam encouraged us to be sacrificial and not selfish during this time. It is easy to slip into panic, and our human nature is selfishness. However, the model of Jesus is self-less. Phil. 2:3-4 urges us that we “should not look only to our own interests, but also the interests of others.” How are you doing that in these days? Does God have an invitation for you in any of these verses?
FRIDAY: Matthew 5:14-16: In the online teaching, Pastor Adam powerfully encouraged us to be CONTAGIOUS as we carry the light of Christ. We are not to hide the light and hope that is in us, but to BE the light for others and help them see and know God. Consider praying that you can be the light for someone else today, then watch and wait for the opportunity God will bring. For further inspiration today, go to the Rockhills Facebook page for a short devotion by Al Hassler.
SATURDAY: 2 Corinthians 4:7-9: Our power is from God, and not from us. We are, indeed, being “hard pressed on every side” at this point in history. How can you rely on God’s power in your life today? Maybe it's by starting with confession that you don’t feel His power and sometimes don’t even feel sure you truly have it. Lay your heart, mind and soul at the foot of the cross today and ask the power of the Holy Spirit to fill you today. Then, walk by faith and not by sight. Who knows but that you are living “for such a time as this” to be used for God and to live in HIS power?