This series is called GOOD NEWS. The word “gospel” actually means good news.
The good news of the gospel is that God loves each of us so much he sent his son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived a sinless life and willingly died on a cross to pay the penalty that each of us owes because of our sin and rebellion. But that’s not the end of the story. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead to live forever seated at the right hand of God. Because of Jesus, we have direct access to God and we are deemed blameless, spotless and without fault.
Stephen Eckert shared in his teaching how he is a science guy and most people in his world do not believe the good news of the gospel. He reminded everyone that Rockhills is a “come as you are” church where you are allowed to have questions and doubts. Stephen also gave his personal e-mail ( for anyone who might want to dialogue about how the good news of the gospel and science can exist side by side.
INVITATION: Join in this week as we consider the goodness of God. Is He really good? Even when things don’t “seem” or “feel” good?
MONDAY: Matthew 7:9-12: God gives gifts to his children similar to how an earthly father does. Material blessings do come our way from God. #blessing, right? However, that is not the only example of God’s goodness and care for us. In this series we are talking about God being good. Do you sometimes believe this only as long as you get what you want and the things you receive are pleasant things? Do you believe God is good even when his “gifts” and “blessings” don’t seem quite as evident as other times? What about the times when it seems impossible to fantom what is going on in your life? Could now be that time? This pandemic is hard to understand. Do you still believe in the goodness of God and that there might even be blessings in and around this situation?
TUESDAY: Romans 8:28: Paul wrote this verse AFTER he was beaten by rods three times, shipwrecked three times, stoned and had 39 lashes five times (40 lashes is considered a death penalty). Even still he was able to pen Romans 8:28. ALL THINGS work together for GOOD. If you have trouble believing this, how can you pray in honesty today? Perhaps something as simple as “I believe, help me in my unbelief” is a good start? It is a scriptural prayer directly from Mark 9:24. Maybe you just ask for God to increase your faith and belief that He IS good… ALL things? If you are having trouble with this and would like to pray with someone, consider sending an e-mail to: We have a prayer team standing by and someone is happy to pray for you and with you.
WEDNESDAY: Job 14:5 & Matthew 6:27: Stephen shared how he can sometimes be a “worst case scenario” type thinker, and it can lead to anxiety. He vulnerably shared how he has experienced some anxiety during this pandemic. I’m sure he’s not alone. He has found some comfort in knowing God has our days and hours numbered. Nothing about this current situation has changed God’s numbering of your days or mine. How does that bring comfort to you today? Does this help your realization that God is, indeed, good?
THURSDAY: Psalm 23: Stephen suggested a few practical tools to help us in realizing the goodness of God - even in the midst of a pandemic. He suggested we read, recite and perhaps say out loud this famous Psalm. How does this comfort your heart and help you remember God’s goodness?
FRIDAY: Matthew 6:9-13: Stephen also suggested we say, read aloud, memorize and meditate on these instructions given by Jesus for prayer. HERE is a short video with some hand motions for the prayer. Sometimes it is helpful to involve your entire body in prayer. Consider putting into practice some tactile method of praying the Lord’s prayer this week: these hand motions, or holding a cross in your hand while you pray are just two possible ideas you might try. What helps you in your prayer practice?
SATURDAY: The last practical tool from Stephen’s teaching is to consider making it a spiritual practice to say out loud two things that are GOOD each day. They can even be simple and silly things (enough toilet paper). What helps you cultivate an attitude of gratitude? Does it help you realize at a deeper level the goodness of God?