There is a lot of pressure in our lives right now. Even if you don’t have Covid-19 or have lost your job, there is a strong undercurrent of stress, grief, worry and sometimes even fear. The world has changed. Things will be different moving forward. The very earth has seemingly shifted beneath our feet. We are trying to find our balance. How do we deal with the turbulent times in which we live?
Pastor Adam spoke on the topic of rest today. It is a topic found throughout scripture, even from the very creation. If God rested on the seventh day, do we somehow think we do not need the same? Could it be possible that “less” is actually “more?” Rest is counter-intuitive and counter-cultural in our western society. Faster, higher, longer is the norm. Have you ever considered that this entire pandemic situation might just be a "hard stop" of sorts? As Adam mentioned, we will rest somehow. Either we will work it into our regular rhythm of life, or we will burn out, possibly crash and burn, and rest will be forced upon us.
INVITATION: As we look at various scriptures regarding REST, what is God’s personal invitation to you? Pastor Adam used the acrostic REST to communicate a biblical plan for navigating these stressful times:
Eat (what you consume in your mind, body, emotions, soul),
Stop (stop worrying and start believing).
Time (connect and know God)
MONDAY: Genesis 2:1-3 & Exodus 20:8-10: God rested and God commanded us to rest and take a “sabbath” in our lives. Have you ever considered incorporating this type of spiritual practice in your life? If you feel the nudge of God regarding this, there are many wonderful books written by believers who, when they established the habit of rest/sabbath into their lives, had radical before and after experiences. God seems to honor our honest attempts at surrendering to REST and acknowledging that we truly are not “little Gods.” We have limits. We were created by God to have limits. Rest is good, holy and necessary. How might you need to change your attitude and relationship with rest?
TUESDAY: Jeremiah 6:16: Could this particular time in history be a crossroads in your life? Even though the concept of rest seems “ancient” (to use the verbiage in this verse) and counter cultural, perhaps the one who created you knows best what you truly need? Will you walk in the ways of Jesus Christ and find rest for your soul? What might that look like this week? Pastor Adam challenged us to consider a rhythm for connecting and knowing God for the purpose of being full of presence and power to be ALL that God has called us to be.
WEDNESDAY: Hebrews 4:9-11: In the New Testament Jesus IS sabbath rest. These verses refer to a regular rhythm of rest in Christ and allowing God to give us our needed rest. There is a difference between laziness and rest. Do you sometimes confuse these two concepts? Do you allow yourself to intentionally unplug and receive the rest of God, or do you consider that lazy?
THURSDAY: Exodus 18:17-18: Moses was operating under a lot of stress in his leadership position. He was the judge and jury for disputes among the entire Hebrew nation. Perhaps you are dealing with similar things these days: disputes, dissatisfaction, complaints and a lot of grumbling. His father-in-law had the wisdom to see and know it was more than Moses could take and he needed help. So he convinced Moses to appoint assistants to handle smaller disputes. Do you need help? Are the “engine lights” coming on in your life signaling a stressed and overworked system? How long has it been since you have truly rested?
FRIDAY: Mark 6:30-31 & Matthew 11:28-30: Try reading the Matthew verses from The Message. What stands out for you today? What might an “unforced rhythm of grace” look life in your daily life? What would it be like to live “freely and lightly” all the while keeping your eyes on Jesus? I (Jan) have spent time in a devotion that suggested blowing soap bubbles while you pray with this verse. Unforced. Freely and lightly. How can that play out for you in spite of the circumstances around you and because of Jesus Christ in your life? Ask for HIS spirit to live in and through you today.
SATURDAY: Matthew 4:4 & Matthew 6:31-33: What are you consuming these days: mind, body, emotions and in your soul? Is it healthy or junk?