
This is our last week studying the life of David. This series had demonstrated that his life is a powerful example of how the grace of God flows into the messiness of our lives. David was an adulterer. He was also repentant, a hero, broken, king, righteous, murderer, and cowardly. Does that resonate with how your life is or has been? There are so many ups and downs in every human life! We are ALL sinners and broken, wounded and lost. King Solomon wrote about there being “nothing new under the sun.” Our lives still have similar (or even the same) trouble, chaos, suffering, anger, and pain. All of these are a part of what it means to be a fallen human being here on this earthly journey.  The good news is this is not our true home. 

But God…….he stoops down to us just as he stooped for David in order to make him great (2 Samuel 22:37). He stoops down for you and he stoops down for me. No matter what we have done - or not done. No matter what mess we have made of our life. Are you ready to reach out for God’s helping hand and allow Him to pick you up again? 

INVITATION:  You will learn this week that you are the apple of God’s eye. Do you believe that? He desires for you to see yourself as HE sees you. God delights in you.  Bask in that truth this week!  We will also dive into some specific characteristics from David’s life that can help us today. 

MONDAY:  Isaiah 55:3-5:  The prophet Isaiah wrote that God will do for us what he did for David. How can you live into that truth and confidence from scripture today?

TUESDAY:  I Samuel 17:45:  David knew who he was because he knew who God was and what he was capable of. Pastor Adam taught how this is called “The Principle of Identification.”  Do you base your identify on God’s identity rather than what or who you are and what you have done or have not done? 

WEDNESDAY:  Psalm 17:7-8:  David is by no means timid when he prays, “Keep me as the apple of your eye.” Indeed, if we look into God’s eyes deeply, we will find more and more love--but it is a love that is not always easy for us to accept and live out. “The great spiritual call of the Beloved children of God,” Henri Nouwen wrote, “is to pull their brokenness away from the shadow of the curse and put it under the light of the blessing.”  How can you live “under the light of the blessing” and in the confidence of being the apple of God’s eye this week? What might it be like for you to imagine looking deeply into the eyes of God? Have you ever prayed as if you were doing such a thing?  

THURSDAY:  Proverbs 24:16; I Chronicles 28:20; Galations 6:9-10: One of these verses talks about “being strong and courageous…..and do the work.”  What work has God assigned for you? David’s life shows us that despite the many times he was knocked down, he was able to get up over and over and over again. He never gave up.  How are you feeling about the passions and dreams in your life? God can redeem ANYTHING at any time. Pastor Adam shared a survey that indicated people stop attending church when either bad things happen in their lives, or they DO bad things in their lives.  David had all of that. Yet, he kept getting back up and pursuing God with all he had. Can you speak to God today to help you “do the work” you are called to?  

FRIDAY:  I Samuel 17:37:  This verse speaks to another principle called “The Principal of Expectation.”  Even though these verses describe David when he was still a young man, he clearly trusted in God in powerful ways. He knew God was always working for his good. This is a truth that is woven throughout scripture. Do you live with that in your heart, mind and soul? Do you believe it at your core? God is always working FOR YOUR GOOD. How can you live that out today? 

SATURDAY:  Psalm 23:4-6: This Psalm was probably written late in David’s life. After all his mistakes and the messiness in his life, he still was led to write about not fearing evil and knowing that God was with him to comfort and guide him. What are you expecting iin your life today and as the weeks, months and years roll by? What spiritual practices are you putting into place to grow more mature in the Lord from day to day, week to week and year to year?  Spiritual maturity and a strong faith do not just magically appear. How are you “working out” spiritually?