In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as wind. In both the Hebrew and the Greek this means “the breath of God. Pastor Adam used quite a few nautical terms as visuals and analogies in today’s teaching about “Words that Stick” and the wind is critical to sailing. The wind - the breath of God - is also critical for a healthy believers and healthy believers are critical for a healthy church. This week we look at the “wind” of God in our lives.
Sailboats are meant to sail. That is what they are built to do. They are not meant to stay docked, even though that’s where it is safe and there aren’t a lot of decisions that must be made. Nor are they meant to trolly around or paddle. Sailboats are made to catch the wind and set sail. Believers are meant to be in tune and respond to the breath of the Holy Spirit. Is that true in your life? How can you “catch the wind” in your journey with God?
The late A.W. Tozer said, “If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95% of what we do could go on and no one would know the difference. But if the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95% of what they did would stop, and EVERYONE would know the difference.” What has changed - and why? The church is made up of individuals. It takes EACH OF US making a commitment to following Jesus Christ and catching the wind in our personal lives. That is each moment of each day. It takes “all hands on deck” to make a sailboat sail and it takes “all hands on deck” to have a Spirit filled, healthy church. We want that for Rockhills as a church - - do you?
INVITATION: How might you make a commitment to be more in tune with “the wind” in your life this week? Are you in Scripture? Are you in prayer? Do you listen? Do you observe? Do you even value those things and make them part of your priorities? If not, why not? How might you begin this week to pursue more of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in your life this week? You don’t have to do anything major…..begin with small, attainable steps and commitments. Ask for God’s help. After all, the Holy Spirit is also known as “the Helper.” We are NOT left to our own devices for this earthly journey.
MONDAY: Acts 2:1-4: When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost it was “like the blowing of a violent wind from heaven.” How have you experienced the part of the Trinity known as the Holy Spirit? Has it been something you instinctually felt/knew? Has it been through a miracle of some sort? Often times we miss God and His activity simply because we are not paying attention. Prior to the appearance of the Spirit in the new church (in Acts), they were told to ’wait” on the Holy Spirit. In our culture and times, waiting is not valued in any way, shape or form. It seems useless. It seems lazy. Have you ever considered “actively waiting?” What might it look like to “actively wait” on the Lord today and this week? Could it be you notice God’s activity in ways you hadn’t before? Silence and solitude are original ancient Christian practices for a reason. It helps us wait. It helps us listen, observe and notice. Have you ever thought about incorporating silence and solitude into your schedule?
TUESDAY: John 3:6-8: Jesus often used metaphorical phrases to help us know Him more. This scripture has a couple of such phrases: born again and comparing the Spirit of God to the wind. Verse 8 says “the wind blows wherever it pleases…” Are you willing to allow the Spirit of God to “blow wherever it pleases” in your life? It might be unpredictable. It might change directions. We want to yield completely to the Holy Spirit around Rockhills Church, but it will take all the individuals who make up Rockhills to also have that commitment in their own lives. Are you willing to re-commit your life to the power and purpose of the Holy Spirit? Do you want to “catch the wind” in your own life and as a participant at Rockhills Church as we move forward in God’s purposes and plans?
WEDNESDAY: I Cor. 12:12-26: Paul uses the metaphor of the body to describe the members of a church. When one part of the body doesn’t do its part, it affects the entire body. The same is true of the body of Christ. Rockhills does not aim to be a “cruise ship” that is about entertaining and being powered by our own devices. We are not about Christianity for personal pleasure and comfort. We are about following Jesus Christ and being sensitive to “catching the wind” as a body of believers, with each “hand on deck” doing their part. Will you pray what your role might be as we move forward at Rockhills Church? EVERYONE has God given gifts and talents. Are you willing to step out?
THURSDAY: Romans 12:1: It can be uncomfortable to yield yourself to the unknown elements of “the wind” and which way it might blow. Will it be gentle? Will it be violent and strong? Perhaps this verse can become a “breath prayer” in your life as you commit to God and the “wind” of the Holy Spirit? We talked about breath prayers and mantras last week: try using “I offer myself as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” as a breath prayer this week as you seek to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. As you breath in you might say, “I offer myself as a living sacrifice.” As you breath out say, “holy and pleasing to God.”
FRIDAY: Acts 8:29: At Rockhills we are ready to put up our sails, leave the harbor and catch the wind as we begin the regathering process and moving forward. Phillip doesn’t question the Holy Spirit or ask for further information or wonder why things haven’t been done this way in the past. He responds immediately. Will you listen and look for the wind in your life and catch it? Are you willing to leave labor and set sail with Rockhills Church?