Grip the Plow

This week we ask some hard questions about some of Jesus’ words. His beautiful, poetic and loving words are easy to remember and use as breath prayer mantras and try to recall and apply in our lives.  But this week we touch on some of his hard words. These are words that make us wonder what he really meant.  At times they can even make us think Jesus was harsh and uncaring. Even lacking in compassion. What do we do when we come across words in scripture that make us think that way? Is it okay to ask questions and wonder and wrestle with Jesus? Do we even WANT to have these words stick in our lives? 

At Rockhills church we have a tagline of “Come as you are.” YES, you are welcome to ask hard questions. You are welcome to doubt. You are welcome to come hurt, exhausted and bleeding. Many couples and families have found Rockhills Church a safe place at such times. But at some point in our journey with Jesus, we are ALL called to “grip the plow.” We are called to do hard things and die to ourselves. We are called to pursue Jesus at ALL costs. Pastor Adam pointed out that the American dream is not always the same thing as God’s dream. 

INVITATION:  This week we are inviting you to ask yourself this question: am I willing to do the hard stuff for Jesus? What if it’s dirty and sweaty? What if there are difficulties? Join us this week as we look at some hard words of Jesus about the true cost of being a disciple of Christ. It is hard work that leads to a lush harvest, but have you counted the cost? Are you truly ALL IN or only when it goes along with your carefully laid plans?  As Pastor Adam pointed out, most of us have good intentions but often there is still too much of our own ego involved in our relationship with Jesus.  “I will do whatever it takes, as long as ___________”  What would you fill the blank in with if you were totally honest with yourself in the presence of God?  

MONDAY:  Luke 9:57-58:  This man probably had great intentions and meant what he said. Yet Jesus had a peculiar response. Does it seem to even apply to the situation as you think and pray about it? Imagine yourself as the person who approached Jesus after being moved by his teaching. What are your expectations as you approach him? What do you do and feel as you hear Jesus’ reply? 

TUESDAY:  Luke 9:59-60:  Pastor Adam pointed out most theologians agree this man’s father was actually still alive. That means  he was basically telling Jesus he would follow him “as soon as” his father passed away.  What is in your life that serves as a “as soon as______?” regarding following Jesus fully and completely?  What is it in your life that may either HINDER your ability to hear Jesus’ call to follow, or HAMPER you from actually following Jesus?  

WEDNESDAY:  Luke 9:61-52:  Do you have both hands firmly gripping the plow?  What causes you to look back?  How can you pray for God’s help regarding that today and in the days to come?  Pastor Adam used the example of his marriage to Tiffany. He did not go to their wedding ready to enter into a covenant relationship with her yet say, “I will show up for the wedding as soon as I make one last visit to my college girlfriend.”  What keeps you from a full commitment to Jesus? Family? Friends? Pet sins? Job security? 

THURSDAY:  John 6:25-35:  These people were not looking for Jesus for Jesus’ sake. They basically wanted more food and wanted “the Jesus show.” They wanted the “harvest” but were not interested in gripping the plow and doing the work.  Jesus IS the bread. Jesus IS the wine.  Jesus IS the “manna from heaven.” What are YOUR motives as you pursue Jesus? Are you guilty of wanting results without the work of relationship?  How might that grow and change this week? 

FRIDAY:  John 6:66-69:  Sometimes the things Jesus said were just too hard for his followers. Many of his disciples just could not accept his teaching - that he is “the bread of life.” They decided to leave. What is Jesus asking you to face that seems too hard for you right now? To whom will you go? Your friend? Your counselor? Your therapist? They will surely help. But who has the words of eternal life? When life is too hard, do you REALLY believe in the Holy One of God? Go to Jesus today and tell him about the hard things you are facing.  

SATURDAY:  Luke 9:23-25:  Jesus asks for our all. We are to deny ourself and take up his cross. Not just once, but daily. Satan loves to tempt humans with the illusion that they can have power and control—the desire to be our own “god”. We all long for power and control in some way, shape or form. These verses say, “What good is it for a man to gain the whole word and yet lose or forfeit his very self?”  How are you doing giving it all up for the sake of Jesus Christ the son of God? Have you turned your entire life over to Him or are you holding back?