Why should I even go to church?

Today is the last in the teaching series called "Struggles."  Here at Rockhills Church in San Antonio, we have tackled some hard topics in what we hope were open and honest ways. God can handle your big doubts and your big questions!  If nothing else, we hope this series and the Bible studies written from it have encouraged your openness and honesty with God. Our prayer is that you will continue seeking Him earnestly and honestly.  Some of the struggles we covered are:  is Jesus is really the only way? Can faith and science co-exist? What if we have been hurt by the church? What if God seems heartless?  

Today we ask:  Why bother going to church?  Is it really necessary?  What if I pray and read the Bible by myself or in nature?  Isn't that enough?  

What is your definition of church?   Is it a building/place?  Is it WHAT HAPPENS in a place (worship/prayer)? Is it an organization or a denomination? Is it a group of people within a place?  Adam made a statement worthy of deep and honest contemplation and prayer this week:  "Your definition of church will play a huge role in where your walk with the Lord is headed."  

INVITATION:  This week we dig into scripture to discover that the church is NOT a building, but is a "gathering of people on mission."  There is a supernatural element to all this.  There is a mystery.  Alone God develops our character. Together God develops gifts and relationship.  If we leave EITHER out, it is unhealthy.  God hasn't given up on church.  Have you?  Are you willing to be open and honest with God and yourself this week? 

MONDAY:  Acts 11:26 & Matthew 18:20:  This is where "The Church" (Ekklesia) was first formed.  It is not a building but a gathering of people.  But not just for any purpose:  for a supernatural and shared purpose.  Church is not a solo experience. It is a communal experience.  What is your definition of church these days?  Have you ever considered that it may very well determine your walk and journey with the Lord?  

TUESDAY:  Acts 2:42: Teaching, breaking of bread together, fellowship and prayer.  These are the elements of "ekklesia" (used 117 times in the New Testament) or church.  While you can (and should) meet with God personally and in nature (hike, ocean, your backyard, etc.) it is not what scripture defines as church and it is not meant to replace church.  Pastor Adam shared that even his family - who has been in and served in churches their entire lives - felt like quitting after a huge church hurt.  Yet, he also shared they pushed through and are so grateful they didn't give up on what they believed Scripture commands them to do, i.e. attend church with other believers.   It was in continuing on in church they found hope, redemption and healing.  Have you been hurt by the Church or by Christians? Could it be that God is calling YOU back to church and fellowship with other believers in order to heal?  

WEDNESDAY:  Ephesians 5:23, 31-32:  Church is "the body" and Christ is "the head."  As the body, we are to represent "the head".   Just as there is no perfect marriage, there is no perfect church.  The comparison of marriage and church is a mystery.  Have  you ever considered if part of the reason people are leaving churches is because of the demise of marriages in our culture?  Even Christian marriages?  What are you doing to grow and strengthen YOUR marriage and have it be a representative of "the church" to other people?  Have you ever thought of your marriage as being a testimony of Jesus Christ (the head) to others? What might be different in yourself, your marriage and your family if you took more seriously your own relationship with Jesus, your marriage relationship and the relationships within your faith community?  

THURSDAY:  I Cor. 12:12-26:   You are part of the body of Christ.  If you are separated from it, the body is not functioning as it should. The body needs you and you need the body.  Do you sometimes feel you have "nothing" to offer?  These verses make it clear that each part is indispensable.  Your time, your talent, your temperament and your personality are key to the body of Christ functioning as intended.  You matter!  When you are not at Rockhills (or wherever), it is not complete.   The Bible is God's love story written in blood for you and for me. Do you think God would mis-lead us about how important church is?

FRIDAY:   I Peter 5:1-8:  The church is compared to a flock. Pastors, leaders and others gather and care for and identify needs within the flock.  Everything they plan and do are about caring for the hearts, minds and souls of others....the "flock."  There are dangers in being separated, and they are extreme dangers. Are you separated from Godly influences, people and activities?  Sure, there are mistakes made and words spoken that cannot be taken back. Yet Scripture has some serious warning about the "enemy" and how he prowls waiting to get us alone, unaware or vulnerable in some other way.  Are you vulnerable to attack?  The body of believers can strengthen you! 

SATURDAY:  Hebrews 10:24-25:  Have you "given up" meeting together?  The body of Christ can be difficult and frustrating. So can you.  Have you considered that?  However, the answer is not to walk out. Part of being a family is about working through struggles. It's often part of God's plan and purpose to help us "spur one another on" during the journey.  Are you willing to ask God about "meeting together" with other believers?