Our current teaching series is all about becoming aware of--and intentional about--areas in our lives that might be drawing us away from God. Today's topic is lust.
Lust is most often associated with sexuality, but it can also include such things as power, destruction, failure and pleasure. We would probably all agree we saw in last year's election how the lust for destruction and failure can play out. The "us vs. them" mentality can fuel a lust for failure and destruction of whomever we define as "them" in our life.
Lust is fake or imitation intimacy. It begins in our minds and can ultimately end up being addictive and particularly deadly in our lives and relationships. Like the other deadly sins, it typically seems harmless at first but becomes destructive and often rages out of control. Since it begins in our minds, lust is, at least initially, a "hidden" sin. Pastor Adam used the example of a campfire versus a forest fire. The only difference between the two is that a campfire has a boundary. A contained campfire is beautiful, harmless and serves a purpose. A forest fire, however, is deadly and destructive. It crosses boundaries as it burns and destroys things not originally meant to be involved. The boundaries created by God in scripture are for our own good. They prevent us from burning ourselves and taking others down with us. Could there be a "fire" brewing in your thought life that might need to be brought into the light of God's healing and forgiveness?
INVITATION: Allowing lust in your life is like playing with fire. Are you willing to consider whether you might be harboring lust? Being willing to take this to the Lord and have a plan for some boundaries ahead of time is key. Pastor Adam mentioned making some type of covenant with yourself. Making a plan for some healthy boundaries. God's ways are so much better than our ways and always bring life, joy and freedom. The traps set by the evil one (such as in the area of lust) lead to death and destruction and being "entangled" in our sin (Heb. 12). Where do your hidden battles lie? Are you willing to take them out of the dark hidden places and into the light of God? Things in the dark have power and can cause forest fires that destroy ourselves and others.
MONDAY: Matthew 5:27-28: True transformation is all about changing from the inside out. It is not simply a behavior modification program. It is about becoming, not just doing. These verses may seem like an impossible standard, but the entire Sermon on the Mount is about internal transformation by the power of God. This doesn't happen by trying harder. It happens by training...embracing a process. Are you tired of trying harder to "behave" better? What would it look like to begin a "training" program with Jesus Christ as your personal trainer? Is there an invitation to you from God about training and boundaries in the area of lust?
TUESDAY: Job 31:1-2 & Heb. 13:5: Job made a covenant. Pastor Adam suggested we make a covenant with ourselves and that it be made PRIOR to the time a "fire" might come along in our lives. We live in a covenant relationship with God. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. That covenant applies no matter what is in your past - - what you have done or what was done to you. You and I belong to God. You are bought and paid for. Isn't that relationship worth making a covenant and devising boundaries as a defensive measure in areas where you know you might be weak? This might include where you will go, what you will or won't look at, who you will spend time with or won't spend time with, etc. What boundaries do you need to make with God in order to keep your "campfire" safe and contained? Some practical suggestions made by Pastor Adam: filters on the internet, permission of others (spouse) to see phones and know passwords, accountability friends or groups and being connected to a faith community you can be honest with.
WEDNESDAY: Psalm 32:1-2 & Psalm 65:3 & Isaiah 43:25: Confession simply means "agreement with God." That can mean to admit where/how you have blown it, but it can also mean confessing that you are who God says you are. Are you willing to have a time of confession with God who stands by ready to forgive you, "blot out" your transgressions and declare you clean? Have you ever "confessed" that you are the beloved child of God?
THURSDAY: I JOHN 1:8-9: If we confess and repent, Jesus stands ready to offer forgiveness. Repentance means to turn from our sins and desire to be redeemed and restored. Do you have that desire in your heart today? If not, do you want to pray for the desire? Are you being convicted by the Holy Spirit to confess anything today or this week? If Jesus stands by ready to forgive your confessed sins, are you going to do less? Sometimes our biggest battle is forgiving ourselves. Ask Jesus to help you forgive yourself during this time of confession and forgiveness.
FRIDAY: Psalm 103:12 & Hebrews 8:12: If God forgets your sin, will you? He paves the way for you to walk in freedom. Will you now walk in the freedom that has been bought and paid for by Christ? Is there some type of "training" you might put in place for the next time satan tries to remind you of your forgiven sins and pull you down?
SATURDAY: Phil. 4:8: Lust begins in the mind. It ruminates and grows in the dark and then can turn into a forest fire. How might these verses help your thought life today and in the days to come? Perhaps this verse might be helpful to memorize and use as a daily prayer? How might you go into "training" to bring this verse online when your thought life seems to be jumping boundaries and perimeters you have set up?