As believers who seek to follow scripture and the Holy Spirit, shouldn't there be something different about us? Shouldn't the world at large be attracted to something we have? Maybe something uncommon and unordinary? Then why is it people seem to clump Christians in with all the rest of the culture? Why aren't Christian marriages more vibrant? Why don't we exhibit more joy in our lives? Could it be because believers are not manifesting the fruit of the Spirit - - the very thing that is unordinary and uncommon if we are staying attached to the vine and relying on the Holy Spirit? Could it be we aren't staying attached? Scripture talks about not losing our "saltiness" as we seek to be "salt and light" to the world (Matthew 5:14). Have we somehow slowly become complacent? Have we allowed the ordinary or even less than ordinary to invade and seep into our hearts, minds and souls?
Any big picture question like this calls for a a personal reflection. What about YOU? Are you staying attached to the vine so that your life is manifesting the fruit of the Spirit and salt and light into the world? Are you unordinary, or have you dissolved and melted into being the same as our culture and the ordinary (or less than ordinary) world? Do you long for the art of the unordinary in your life?
INVITATION: Joy is a fruit of living a life attached to the vine and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct. Joy goes beyond simply having a nice day. It is much deeper and richer. Good news or bad, the fruit of the Spirit - including joy - comes from the Holy Spirit. It is not something we can drum up by our own efforts. Yet, it involves some discipline and cultivation - just like growing and producing any fruit. What about your life? Do you have some spiritual disciplines and cultivation in your life to "prepare the soil" for the production of fruit? If not, why not? Are you willing to dig deep and ask hard questions? Are you willing to consider lifestyle and habit changes to make staying attached to the vine more of a priority in your life? Just like playing the piano or running a marathon takes training and practice, so does the cultivation of the fruit of the Spirit. Even though you cannot produce the fruit, you can prepare the soil of your life, your schedule, your mindset, your habits. God plants the seeds and does the watering (I Cor. 3:7). Could you be stuck in a cycle of relying on your own efforts and "trying harder" (behavior and performance) rather than training and cultivating? What type of spiritual training might the Lord be inviting you into this week?
MONDAY: I Thes. 5:16-18 & Phil. 4:4: Be joyful and rejoice. Always. Sound impossible? That's because it is - - - without the power of the Holy Spirit. Note the verses in Thessalonians don't say to give thanks FOR the circumstances (though that may be a reflection in hindsight), but that we give thanks IN the circumstances. Why? Because God takes everything and shapes it. He works ALL THINGS together for your good (Rom. 8:28). Pastor Adam gave three examples of thieves of joy: 1) worry 2) circumstances and 3) legalistic religion (focused on rule keeping and behavior). Do you have a worry or circumstance in your life right now that you can turn over to God and ask for HIS help to give thanks? Maybe you could even start by telling God you are not yet in that space and need the help of the Spirit? Could you be stuck in some type of legalistic mindset? One of those might be trying harder (behavior & performance) rather than training. How can you pray about that and seek the Lord's help this week?
TUESDAY: Philippians 4:8: This verse says to "fix" your mind on these things. That means to repair or reorient. How can you reorient and "fix" your thinking patterns today and this week? The root cause of joylessness is our thinking patterns. You cannot prevent certain thoughts, but you CAN prevent yourself from marinating on them. There is a saying you might find helpful as a visual: "You can't prevent the birds from flying over your head, but you CAN prevent them from building a nest in your hair." What can you do this week to choose to reorient any patterns of "stinking thinking" you may have that are trying to "nest"? Can you think of any way to begin to catch yourself when you begin down a "stinking thinking" chain of thought? How can you ask for the help of the Holy Spirit? Give this some time and space today and see if the Lord doesn't help you with ideas and ways to train toward better thinking patterns.
WEDNESDAY: Philippians 4:9: Paul tells the Philippian Church to put into practice what they have seen him doing. Pastor Adam talked about all Paul had endured in his life and ministry, yet continued "running the race with perseverance" that was set before him (Heb. 12:1). Through life threatening circumstances, pain and persecution Paul kept a joyful, faith filled attitude in spite of his circumstances. Paul CHOSE to reorient his thinking and focus on the truth of Jesus Christ and that Paul was saved and beloved. You are also called "the beloved" in Scripture. How can remembering that help you today? How does it help you trust more? What choice can you make to reorient your thinking patterns this week? That simple choice may be the beginning of cultivating a lifestyle that is better able to remain attached to the vine and produce fruit of the Spirit of God.
THURSDAY: Philippians 4:10-12: Paul learned to be "content whatever the circumstances." You and I never know what God is up to - even when the circumstances seem dire. Do you think Paul assumed an earthquake would come and set him free from prison? How might you train to be able to reframe and reorient your thinking patterns in dire, or hard or bad or difficult circumstances? This doesn't mean you don't have preferences. Certainly Paul had a preference to not be in prison. Or persecuted. Similarly, Jesus had a preference to not go to the cross, yet still was able to pray "not my will but thine." How can you train your thoughts to trust Jesus Christ more as opposed to your own logic and reasoning? As you look back on this past year and all the challenges, how have your thinking patterns been? Is this an area where you could begin a "training" program with the help of the Holy Spirit? Remember, you cannot do it by your own efforts. Staying attached to the vine is key. How can you begin training and cultivating a "thy will be done, thy kingdom come" mindset in your life? Below is a link to a song written and performed by author and artist Carolyn Arends you might like:
FRIDAY: Philippians 4:13: Paul learned to rest in God's power and peace. What images and impressions does the word "peace" create for you? That word has rich Biblical connotations of reconciliation, wholeness, health and unity. The apostle Paul often greets fellow Christians with the words grace and peace (Romans 1:7; I Cor. 1:3; Gal. 1:3). Read and ponder these words of scripture. Consider making two columns on a page of paper. In one column list some of the things that rob you of peace. Some pastor Adam mentioned are worry, circumstances and legalistic religion. What are some of yours? In the other column note some things that bring you a sense of peace. Which column reflects the condition you find yourself in most often these days? How can you better learn to "rest in God's power and peace?"
SATURDAY: Isaiah 58:11: “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”
One of the worship songs on the set list this past Sunday was based on this verse. If you’re in the middle of a storm or in the middle of a dry wilderness, this verse probably sounds like an impossible challenge. The calm, peaceful, and beautiful picture this verse evokes might actually bring you more anxiety and frustration because you are full of worry and you can see no fruit. You might even ask ask, “why don’t I feel like this? Do I not trust in the Lord enough?” Is is possible you might be asking the wrong questions? What if you shifted your focus away from your current disposition to see what God is saying here? Take a moment and read this verse aloud to yourself. Can you see three promises from God?
First, He promises that in whatever storm or wilderness you are in right now, you are blessed when you choose (with your heart, mind, soul, and strength) to trust the Lord. Second, He promises that our trust and confidence in Him will feed us and sustain us like tree roots in living water. We may still be in the midst of sorrow, pain, and loneliness, but we will not be crushed by the drought. Third, He promises that we will eventually see leaves that are green and fruit that is sweet. When we are staying close to the Father and attached to the vine, the trials and temptations we face, however imperfectly, will bear fruit in line with the Spirit.
In that you can take JOY. No matter what your current circumstances might be.