Identity Check

King Saul is a great example of a bad example.  He had some small character issues that he allowed to snowball, and it ended up affecting not just the nation of Israel, but also his relationships with family and friends. And since he was Israel's first king, these issues also trickled down throughout Israel's history.  There is a famous saying:  "Sin takes you farther than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay, and costs you more than you want to pay." 

Saul's primary issues were related to his identity and his insecurity.  He did not see himself as God saw him and constantly compared himself to others. He worried more about what others thought of him than what God had to say about him and the ways God tried to lead and guide him.  Ultimately, Saul knew all the right things about God, but didn't trust God in his day in day out life.  He took matters into his own hands, allowing other people's opinions of him and his insecurities to guide his actions and his life.  

Doesn't that happen to you and me sometimes?   Each and every day affords us the opportunity to grow and learn in our life with God, but we can start to get just slightly off course, and then pretty soon we are way off course and lost at sea and adrift amidst some very high waves.   It only takes some small rudder changes to get the "life boat" back on course. However, we live in an "immediate" culture so sometimes we simply do not have the patience and discipline of a "long obedience in the same direction" walk with God (Eugene Peterson quote). Are you willing to make some slight rudder changes in your life? 

INVITATION:  What about in your life with God?  Do you allow the slow work of God to be drowned out and distracted by insecurities and identity issues that come at us a million times per day from our culture?  God is truth. What he says is truth. You are who God says you are. How can you begin today to walk in that identity rather than what your job, or your feelings or your family or our culture might have to say about you?  Saul's identity gaps began when he worried too much about the opinions of others and compared himself to others. Once this occurred, things spiraled out of control in Saul's life.  The same thing can happen to each of us as well.  Are these areas of insecurity things you may need to pay closer attention to in order to keep the boat of your life on course?  What "rudder changes" might you need to navigate this week?  Are you willing for life with God to be a "long obedience in the same direction?"  It may not be flashy or impressive to others, but it will be obedient, forthright and full of God's blessings. 

MONDAY:  I Samuel 16:1-23:  In the Old Testament the spirit of God would come and go on people. Because of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit all the time.  David's music was soothing to Saul when he was tormented. What music soothes your "savage beast"?  What hymns or praise music draws you toward a calm and peaceful trust in God? How can you express gratefulness for the Holy Spirit in your life? 

TUESDAY:  I Samuel 17:4-11:  When Goliath shouted to the ranks of Israel he alluded to already knowing the reputation of Saul.  The insecurities and fear of Saul had spread throughout the army of Israel and even to the Philistines.  Likewise, our sin and insecurities can spread their tentacles to others around us.  It's interesting that Saul had all the world thought was important (status, looks, family connections, etc.) and David didn't.   He was basically the "runt of the litter" and put out to pasture to tend sheep.  One of the lowly family positions.  Yet he was strong and used by God. God knew David and saw David. Could it be that all the time away from the distractions of all the cultural and worldly things strengthened him in the power and security of things of God?  David likely had a lot of time to pray, contemplate and talk with God. What about you? Do you cultivate some silence and solitude in your life to hear God's voice?  How can you work on being less distracted by the world and all it has to offer - even the "good things" it has can take us away from the BEST thing. 

WEDNESDAY:  I Samuel 17:36-37:  Pastor Adam pointed out that "God is always preparing you for what he is preparing for you."  God had prepared David.  In the world's eyes David wasn't a likely "hero."  David had his security in God and saw himself as God saw him.   Who do you allow to define you?  Whose opinions do you value?  Where do you find your security?  Who are your heroes? 

THURSDAY:  I Samuel 18:7-12  Saul was angry and began trying to kill David.  His insecurity and comparison led him to irrational behaviors and it will do the same to you and to me.  David was married to Saul's daughter and Saul's son was David's best friend (Jonathan).  Saul was tearing apart a nation and even his close family. It didn't have to be that way. Do you allow others to live "rent free" in your head?  Do you harbor resentments and unforgiveness in your heart and soul? Are you tangled up in the insecurities that come from comparisons to people God never intended you to be in the first place?  How might you seek out God's call on your life today and this week? 

FRIDAY:  2 Cor. 10:7-13:  Another Saul (later known as Paul) wrote to the Corinthian Church about finding their security only in Christ.  Insecure people try to bring others down with them, and the Christians in Corinth were trying to bring Paul down. Are you harboring resentment in your heart? Do you desire to see others brought down? 

SATURDAY:  I Samuel 22:11-18:  Saul continued his killing spree.  He killed all the village priests who thought they were doing a good deed by helping David. Saul ordered not only the priests killed, but all the men, women and children, cattle, donkeys and sheep.  What started as only a small seed of insecurity turned into a giant problem in Saul's life and the death and destruction of many.  It can turn YOU into someone you do not want to be.  Is there a seed of comparison or insecurity in your life today?  You CAN be what God created you to be as you learn to trust and walk with God...moment by moment. Day by day. Week by week.  Slight rudder changes.  What adjustments can you make in your life today to walk more closely by the side of Jesus, looking fully in His face for your identity and security?