Studying King Saul's life can be a bit like watching a true crime documentary, or reading a biography, or watching some sensational news show. We can be mesmerized and drawn in because we love to stare at a train wreck and pass judgment, or we can be open and honest and willing to look under the surface of our own lives in order to learn and grow. The same character flaws that came to the surface in King Saul's life are common in my life and in your life. "There is nothing new under the sun" the wisest man who ever lived said (King Solomon) in Ecclesiastes. Similarly, the same desire the Israelites had for "shiny objects" (Saul appeared to have all the things the world valued) can become a distraction in our relationship with God.
Israel was clamoring for a King like the other nations had. A King other than God. And just as God still does today, God gave the people what they thought was best. As Pastor Adam pointed out, it's not that God didn't want Saul to be a great King, he knew he wouldn't be. God is beyond time and space. God knows best and has our best interests in mind. We are NOT God.
INVITATION: As King Saul's life demonstrates, little things in our lives will become bigger things if we do not stay "attached to the vine" and continually listen to the voice of God in our lives. How do you hear the voice of God? Pastor Adam mentioned four ways: 1) His Word (scripture); 2) The Holy Spirit; 3) Other believers; 4) Circumstances. Saul started out trusting and listening to God, but then some of his character flaws that were originally under the surface began to show up. How might God speak into your heart this week through the life and story of King Saul? Are you willing to look under the surface in your own life and habits?
MONDAY: I Samuel 10:1-7: Can you trust God - really trust Him - even if your life is significantly changed? You are invited to take a threefold inventory of the state of your soul: Very specifically, what do you think God would really like to change in you? What will you relinquish to make room for this change? What decision or action will you make at this moment to invite God to initiate the change. Will you trust God in these changes? God dealt with Saul very specifically. Are there some specifics in your life you might be ignoring because you are looking for "shiny objects" and big things? God is in the details. How might you pay attention to details and be more noticing this week? Many believers consider noticing and paying attention as a spiritual discipline or practice. Could that be helpful in your life?
TUESDAY: I Samuel 10:20-24: Saul hides. In the next few chapters, he will hide from Goliath and fail to lead. In spite of this initial clue to his character, the Israelites were misled by what was all outward appearances. The "shiny" outward appearances were oh, so attractive! Matthew 23:-25-26 talks about how we can be so concerned about cleaning "the outside of the cup, but on the inside we are all full of greed and self indulgence." You and I - just like the Pharisees in these verses - can focus on outward appearances and the mechanics of being a "good Christian." However, God cares about the inside. The deep places. Internal change - not just outward behavior. What practices do you have in place to be honest about the deeper things of God, i.e. the things that are on the inside of your life and relationships? Are you willing to invite God in to reveal what might be under the surface in your life?
WEDNESDAY: I Samuel 10:27: Saul was concerned and bothered by a handful of people who were against him. This was actually the beginning of a lifelong pattern for Saul--worrying about what other people thought of him. Saul allowed his need for the approval of others to speak into his life louder than the anointing and promises of God. Do you let praise - or criticism - affect your life and relationship with God?
THURSDAY: I Samuel 11:4-7: This all sounds archaic and brutal to us now, but Saul sent the message to his troops that men were needed and they should show up and join the fight. Saul was being a leader and taking charge in order to seek justice and protect the people God gave him. God led Saul and Saul in turn led the Israelites. There was an order of authority. There are orders of authority even in today's world. This hierarchy of authority is rarely what people want to hear about or follow, but God has set certain authorities in place and they are clear within His Word. How do you feel about God given authority? Is it possible you tend to be a lone ranger who despises and rejects authority other than your own wisdom - or ego? The people of Israel were happy with the King because he led them to victory in battle. If you allow Him to be King, God can lead YOU to victory in battle. Just as with Saul, when we listen to and walk with God, He can transform us and use us. This can in turn transform others around us. Which can transform a church, a city, a state and even a nation. Are you listening to God in your daily life? That is the starting place!
FRIDAY: I Samuel 12:12-15: How often we hear, "Don't just stand there; do something!" In his farewell speech to his people, the prophet Samuel reverses the clauses: "Don't just keep doing; stand still and pay attention." After sketching the history of the people, and warning of the risks of giving up God's primary guidance in exchange for a king who is an able warrior, Samuel called rain down upon the very days of the wheat harvest. The people were stopped in their tracks, both literally and emotionally, and were called to reflect on their relationship with God. In stillness and silence, take stock of your relationship with God. Recall the times, if you can, when God caught your attention or changed the direction of your life. How did it happen? What means or circumstances did God use to catch your attention? How did you respond? Slowly? Right away? In what ways might God be calling you today to trust his guidance more completely?
SATURDAY: Romans 8:28: Nothing will stop the sovereign purposes of God. He is bigger than any of your mistakes. His grace is bigger than your sin. Just as the Israelites did, when sin occurs and is shown to you by the Spirit of God, repent, learn and move forward with freedom and wisdom. Are you living in freedom and wisdom or under the chains of sin and shame and guilt? God will not leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He wants to be glorified in your life and through your life. If God is for you - WHO can be against you (Romans 8:31). How can you begin to pay more attention to details and God's leading in your life and stay attached to the vine? Are you willing to trust God....even amidst change and danger?