King and Kingdom

In our last week studying King Saul, Pastor Adam compared and contrasted Saul and Jesus:

Saul was the first King of Israel. Jesus Christ was the last King of Israel. 

Saul followed his agenda.  Jesus followed His Father's agenda.

The people served Saul.  Jesus served the people.

Saul died fighting. Jesus gave his life away.

Saul's death brought shame.  Jesus' death was a victory.

Saul's kingdom was temporary. Jesus' kingdom is eternal.

Saul was Israel's solution to their problems. Jesus is God's solution to all that we face. 

In these past weeks, we have seen how Saul's character and integrity flaws were initially hidden under the surface. He seemed like the obvious choice for the King of Israel, but as time went on and Saul got "squeezed" by people and circumstances, he invariably resorted to shortcuts rather than obey God.  God wanted Saul to "win" and be successful but since God is outside of time, he knew from the beginning that Saul was not going to follow God's leading in his life and in his kingship.  There are consequences to disobedience. In Saul's life and in our life.  

INVITATION:  God wants YOU to win. He wants to walk with you in life. That includes decisions, relationships, hardships, and victories.  Has this study of King Saul shown you some under the surface character and integrity flaws that might need to be brought out into the light and healing of Jesus Christ?  Saul's failings trickled down to his sons and to generations to come.  Could you be living life outside God's plan and reign and could it be digging a hole for future generations?  Disobedience seems harmless, slow and subtle sometimes, but can end up being a "cancer" for future generations.  What are you doing - or not doing - that your children and grandchildren may have to suffer the effects of?  

MONDAY:  I Samuel 31:1-4:  Saul fell from being a visionary, charismatic leader to a lost and despairing wreck of a man. Think back to our study of King Saul. Consider imaginatively reviewing the tale of his fall, perhaps even drawing a diagram of his downward spiral. How did he lose the call that initially raised him up to service? What did he allow to isolate him from those who could have been most helpful, especially the God who had called him? In what ways did he try to manage alone instead of listening and obeying? Do you have a faith community....companions in whom you can be open and honest and who can do the same with you?  

TUESDAY:  Ephesians 6:10-18:  You and I are in a battle just as real as the one Saul was killed in. There is always "more" going on than meets the eye.  Spiritual wars have to be fought with spiritual weapons.  How are you preparing for spiritual battle each day?  Some people find it helpful to physically go through these verses each morning as they get dressed for the day - using it as a tactile way to pray, putting on the spiritual armor piece by piece. Are you open to trying that this week?  Verse 16 tells us the Word of God (Scripture) is our weapon. It is also sustenance and food (bread of life).   Do you have a regular time set aside for being in God's Word?  Do you have verses memorized to use in the "heat of battle" during the day and the week?

WEDNESDAY:  I Samuel 31:4-6:  Saul, his three sons and his best friend all died together on the same day.  At the end of Saul's life, this is what God's word records about Saul:  (verse 6):  So Saul and his three sons and his armor-bearer and all his men died together that same day."   Why don't you spend some time today reflecting on this question: On your current trajectory, in the end, what will be said about your life? As you ponder that question, are there any habits or routines you should change about your life? 

THURSDAY:  Acts 13:36:  Contrast what was recorded in Scripture about Saul's life and this verse about King David's life.  He served God's purpose in his generation. What purpose are you serving?  Is it God's or is it some other purpose and focus?  How might you begin to re-orient your purposes toward those of God?  Are you willing to endure "A long obedience in the same direction?"  God is NOT in a hurry and his plan and purposes are sometimes much slower and longer than the world' least it seems like it in our earthly timelines.  Almost certainly Saul thought he was doing things more efficiently when he took all the shortcuts.  What shortcuts are you taking in life? What are you taking into your own hands as opposed to trusting the slow work of God? 

FRIDAY:  I Samuel 31:8-13:  During the early days of Saul's reign (when he was still following God) he saved the village of Jabesh Gilead.  These same people came back to honor Saul by giving him a proper burial.  They defended his honor, even though his Kingship was a disaster.  Respect is earned. Honor is given. Perhaps a radical thought for today's culture is that you don't have to agree with someone to honor them.   Are you willing to allow the Holy Spirit to "search you and know your heart" to see if there is any dishonor in it?  If so, perhaps you can ask the Lord what HE would have you do about that? 

SATURDAY:  Romans 13:7:  As David began his Kingship, he could have blamed everything on the "previous administration."  However, he chose to honor Saul. Keep in mind Saul spent many years trying to hunt David down and kill him.  Is there a debt you need to pay, or forgiveness you need to offer, or a grudge you need to drop?  Is there honor to be given to someone in your life?  What would social media look like if we all began a campaign to only honor other people?  What would our families look like? Our churches?