Why hasn't God answered my prayers?

All too often we pray only when we are desperate.  These prayers are sometimes offered in a spirit of negotiating with God, i.e. IF (fill in the blank), THEN (fill in the blank).  

But we have probably also experienced the following scenario:  good people (maybe it's even us), who have good reasons and a sincere faith,  who pray prayers that seem to be in God's will.  Yet sometimes these prayers go unanswered and even seemingly ignored.  We are left wondering things like:  Is God worth it? Is God angry with me? Is God too busy for me? Does God even care?  

Our approach to God and to prayer says a lot about how we view God. How we view God has a vast impact on our Christian journey and our relationship with Jesus Christ.  

INVITATION:  What's your attitude about prayer? Many people have walked away from God and a life of faith because they do not have a good answer to the question of unanswered prayers.  God is not a vending machine or a pain reliever. He desires an ongoing relationship with you and with me.  Prayer is a lifestyle, a rhythm.   I Thessalonians even instructs us to "pray without ceasing."  What might that look like in your life? Do you even desire it in your life? How can prayer become a rhythm in your daily life? How do you think that might affect your relationship with God and your image of God?  

MONDAY:  Matthew 7:7-11:  These scriptures compare our relationship with God to that of a parent and a child.  God has the bigger perspective and sometimes, just as in parenting, the best decision might be a disappointment for the kids or even crush their dreams. This is never to "teach them a lesson" or to ignore or to punish them, but to give what is truly the best, whether they realize it at the time or not.  If you have trouble trusting in God's bigger (and better) perspective, how might you talk with Him about that in prayer today? You can be honest with God! He can handle it.  Sometimes our imperfect relationships with our earthly parents end up affecting our relationship with God. Does this parent/child comparison from these scriptures bother you? How might you talk to Jesus about that today? 

TUESDAY:  James 4:1-3:  How might it change your prayer life if you began to examine the motives behind your prayers?    

WEDNESDAY:  John 2:1-11:  Jesus instructs the servants to fill the water jars with water. This involved a tedious and slow process, and they must have wondered why they were doing such a task. It didn't make much logical sense. Yet they did what they were told, and in God's timing, the water is turned into fine wine.  Often times after a period of waiting, or even "work" on our part (filling the water jars), we get an answer to prayer.   Sometimes our situation is changed, but often WE are changed by the process (and the waiting and the working).  "Sometimes he calms the storm and sometimes he calms the child."   Pastor Adam suggested the following simple prayer:  "God, I would really like you to do ________, but until then I will keep ______________."   

THURSDAY:  Luke 18:1-8:  Have you been tempted to give up on praying?  Have you ever considered God might be inviting you into a different type or way to pray and spend time with Him?  Spiritual Directors are trained to help people seek out God's activity in their lives, and then respond to it. God IS active in your life, even if it seems like He is silent. Spiritual Directors are typically well versed in different ways to approach prayer, and other spiritual practices that might be beneficial in your walk with God and in hearing Him and seeing Him in your life.  Have you ever considered seeking help and guidance regarding your walk with God?  You can e-mail jan@rockhills.com for further information about Spiritual Direction and ways to be with God in prayer and cultivating a lifestyle rhythm of prayer.   

FRIDAY:  Matthew 6:5-14:  Read these verses slowly and intentionally.  Consider reading them out loud. What stands out to you today from this well known prayer?  Is there a word or phrase  you can take with you into your day or week as a prayer prompt to help you "pray without ceasing" and cultivate a rhythm of prayer?