God's design, timing and protection are always perfect. God is faithful and he does not want to share us with sin or evil.
Our new series began this week. It is called "Summer Journeys" and the first journey is an Old Testament "cruise ship" - - Noah's Ark. The scene is early in the Bible but people were already rebelling and desiring to live their own way and leave God's ways behind. It didn't take long for our "sin nature" to take over did it?
The ark points to Jesus and we will explore that this week in the following ways: 1) The ark was provided by God through grace; 2) God had a specific plan for the ark and has a plan for your life and mine; 3) There was only ONE WAY into the ark, but plenty of room; 4) The ark was secure.
INVITATION: In this week's study we see how sin starts in the heart. The people during Noah's time were completely consumed with sin and the desire to live life by their own ideas and means. Is that so different from today? We will look at inner intents and desires....not just outer behavior. Are you willing to spend some time examining your inner desires and thoughts? It is not "PC" to talk about evil and sin too much anymore - even within the church. Yet the Bible is replete with examples of how easily our hearts can be turned toward evil and lead to a sin filled life. Even so, many Christians focus on outward behavior and never examine their hearts. Are you willing to look in the mirror this week and ask God about how this Old Testament "journey", and this specific picture of the provision of Jesus Christ (through an ark), might speak into your life today? Even into your heart and intentions?
MONDAY: Genesis 6:5-17: Sin and evil grieves the heart of God. How does that make you feel? If you're honest, do you even care how God feels about you and your life? Noah was called "blameless." This does not mean he was perfect, but he had exceptional sincerity, obedience and the trust of God. He found favor with God because of his faith in the goodness of God. As you go to the Lord today in prayer, ask Him to show you about your sincerity, obedience and trust. Are you willing to listen if He speaks?
TUESDAY: Proverbs 4:23: "Above all else, guard your heart..." How do you prioritize guarding your heart in your life? How about what you see? Or what you hear? Or what you do? Do you have boundaries in your life that are God honoring? Have you ever thought about what "above all else" might include?
WEDNESDAY: Genesis 6:13-14 & Galatians 4: 4-7: The ark - and Jesus - are both God's gracious provision to save mankind. Have you placed your personal trust into the hands of Christ? He was the specific provision, at just the right time, for your salvation and for what you cannot do for yourself. Just as Noah could not have predicted rain, or known how to make an ark, some people probably would not have foreseen that Jesus is the perfect provision for our sin. Have you accepted this free gift in your life? How do you apply this to your life and circumstances and relationships?
THURSDAY: Genesis 6:14-15 & Matthew 11:28-30: God had a specific plan for the ark and it was the only way to be saved. God had a specific plan for His son to come into the world and he is the only way to come to the Father. Noah had to focus on God, not on His circumstances. So did Mary and Joseph and so do you and I. The Matthew verses for today's reading let us know that God's ways are not cumbersome or burdensome. They might seem crazy or unusual sometimes. Noah's friends must have thought he'd lost his mind. A flood? An ark? Joseph and Mary were in a similar situation: a virgin birth? Before they were married? When you have a personal relationship with God and attend to His "still small voice", you come to know Him and trust Him more and more. Do you trust God above your circumstances? Do you spend enough time with God to know His voice and movement in your life?
FRIDAY: Genesis 6:16 & John 14:6: There was only one way into the ark. There is only one way to God the Father, and that is through His son - Jesus Christ. Jesus is the "doorway" to salvation. God established a covenant with Noah and He has provided a covenant with us: "For God so loved the world that he sent His only son...that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." Have you walked through that doorway in your life? Are you teaching that to your children, and your children's children?
SATURDAY: Genesis 7:1; 16 & 2 Corinthians 1:21-22: The Ark was secure. Even today, the Lord closes the door and seals us in a safe place. Noah's faith saved Him. How is your faith saving you these days? God's "seal of ownership" is on you - guaranteeing what is to come. How can you life in that today and this week?