There is no hope for finding meaning and purpose in life without a relationship with God. Even Saint Augustine stated: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you." This was one of Al Hassler's main points as he taught about Paul's journey to find meaning and purpose.
We will see in the study of scripture this week that even creation points to the truth we were created for a relationship with the creator. Many people seek blessings, and beauty and the "stuff" of God, but never seek the heart of God. God is not some sort of magic genie. He seeks and desires an intimate relationship with us. We are created for such a relationship. Thus, it makes sense that without it, we will never feel fulfilled or realize we have meaning and purpose.
INVITATION: What about you? Do you desire true, authentic relationship with the God of the universe? Do you find yourself resistant to such a thing? Are you ready and willing to "seek and find?" Warning: You may need to quiet the noise of our culture and the world around us. God is not going to force himself on you or on me. Are you paying attention? Are you noticing and listening in your life and circumstances? Paul seemed a bit restless as he seemingly left behind his recognition, education and training as a Pharisee (well on his way to being in the prestigious Sanhedrin), to act out his bitterness and anger by arresting and stoning more Christians after Stephen was stoned. Are you restless? Are you looking for the "next exciting thing" in your life? Perhaps you even have most of the "stuff" the world says will make you fulfilled and happy yet you don't feel like you have meaning and purpose? Al's teaching - and his life story - might be just the thing for you at this time. If you missed the teaching, you are encouraged to watch it on FB or listen to the recording on our website. YOU were created by the God of the universe for meaning and purpose.
MONDAY: Acts 7:51-60 & 8:1: Paul was present at the stoning of Stephen. In the speech Stephen gave prior to his death, he called the people of Israel "stiff necked people....always resisting the Holy Spirit." Paul was probably actively "gnashing his teeth (vs. 54) and angry. That is why he purposed in his heart to find more Christians in nearby towns and have them stoned. Could you be resisting the Holy Spirit in your life? As you give this time, space and prayer, is there something tugging at your heart and soul these days?
TUESDAY: Acts 9:1-6: Even though Paul had a dramatic conversion experience with the God of the universe, God often speaks in a "quiet, gentle whisper" (I Kings 16). How are you intentional about listening for this quiet, gentle whisper in your life? Are you too busy to notice? Are you ignoring it? Are you distracting yourself from it?
WEDNESDAY: Romans 3:11: No one seeks God. HE does the initiating. As you look back on your day.....your week......your year, where have you seen God's initiation? What do you think the Spirit of God is trying to tell you or show you?
THURSDAY: Psalm 19:1-2 and Romans 1:20: Even creation speaks of the truth of God. No one is without excuse. How do you feel about God when you are out in nature? How might this change your interactions with God the next time you notice and enjoy nature or look into the sky? What do you wish to express to God in prayer today?
FRIDAY: Romans 2:15: Have you ever thought of your "conscience bearing witness" in your life? Could this be a way God is tugging at you today? Al Hassler mentioned that every culture knows it is wrong to murder and to steal. It's like it is programed into us. If there is a program.....there is a programer. Our God given conscience reveals the truth of God and His desire for relationship. As you consider what has been in you conscience recently, what bubbles to the surface?
SATURDAY: Psalm 139:13-14 & Ephesians 2:10: In Galatians Paul talked about how God 'set him apart" even before he was born. Do you believe God does that for everyone or do you think Paul was special? According to these verses, YOU were designed for purpose and meaning even before you were born....or accomplished anything....or had an education. Can you believe that in faith today? The word "handiwork" in Ephesians (some versions say "workmanship") means POEM. You were not designed for "assembly line" living, i.e. being more productive and getting more done. Your life is a POEM. You have meaning and purpose. That was God's intention from the beginning. How might you and God meet today in prayer and talk about that? What spiritual practices can you put into place in your life to begin to seek that out and live into it?