Island Getaway

Most people think of visiting a Greek island as a once in a lifetime luxury vacation.  John's visit to the island of Patmos wasn't quite in that category.  After trying to kill him for many years, the Romans threw him on the island with other prisoners who were there.  It was isolated. It was rocky. It was probably very lonely and dangerous.  Yet it was in this dark place that God appeared very personally to John and the book of Revelation was written.  It is much different from his gospel. Revelation is apocalyptic and a bit mystical and symbolic.

God often teaches us our greatest lessons during our hardest and most trying times. 

INVITATION:  Revelation is a peek into what John saw as revealed by God while he is imprisoned on the island of Patmos.  John was somewhat of a folk hero in the First Century. Yet it is clear his focus was all on Jesus. It was not on his plight in life, or his suffering, or how unfair he thought his imprisonment was. Join us this week as we  study and consider the things God showed John while on the island of Patmos.

MONDAY:  Revelation 1:8; Romans 8:28:  God sees the past, present and future. He is not bound by time. That is how John was able to see future events. Because God showed him.  God knows the future. How does resting in this fact about God help you walk in more trust in your daily life?

TUESDAY:  Revelation 1:9-16:  John, even in prison, observed the sabbath or "The Lord's Day."  Seven is the number of completion, and these letters are written to ALL churches.  It is written to The Church....not just the seven churches in the Mediterranean  mentioned in these verses.  How do you acknowledge Sabbath in your life and schedule?  Did you know it is a command in scripture - not just a suggestion?  Many people take a day of the week (not necessarily Sunday) to engage in Christian disciplines which help them spend time with--and acknowledge--God.  How might that look in your life? Do you think you could trust that everything in your life could still get accomplished?  If God needed a "rest" and a sabbath, why do we think we don't? Many Christians observe the Sabbath as an intentional way of acknowledging that God is God and we are NOT God. 

WEDNESDAY: Revelation 1:17-20:  John is so overwhelmed when he encounters God that he falls "at his feet as though dead." God's presence has a way of disrupting our carefully structured world. We tend to expect God to fit neatly into our agendas, our perspectives and our lifestyle. Consider making a list of your attitudes that limit who God can be in your life. Alongside this list write down some characteristics of your lifestyle that might restrict God's presence in your activities. Also examine your expectations for the future. How could they hinder God's purposes for you? What would you need to do to let this awesome and merciful God disrupt the structures of your life? 

THURSDAY:  Col. 1:15-16:  Jesus WILL have the final say in history. How does that make you feel? 

FRIDAY:  Psalm 139:  Are you willing to allow the God of the universe to "search you and know you?"  Just like John, it is safe to fall at the feet of Jesus and trust him. He knows what you are facing....the past, the present and the future.  What can you lay at His feet today? 

SATURDAY:  Revelation 22:7:  John was shown that Jesus is coming back.  It could be tomorrow and it could be in 500 years.  Does this make you want to live your days and weeks any differently?