Wilderness Adventure

When you go fishing, you want to use the correct lure from your tackle box in order to lure the fish to your hook.  The word LURE can be used as a noun or as a verb. In fishing, the lure has to change depending upon where you are, what type of fish you desire to catch and  what their biological appetite is for. 

Today we are using the same terminology for the things that tempt us, that lure us in.   One thing we know for sure, the evil one has age old lures in his tackle box to tempt us. He seeks to "steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10) by adjusting his lures depending upon what our "biological appetite" is for.   However, Jesus Christ comes to bring life--life to the full. Is it possible you are be being lured away from the calling of Jesus Christ in your life? 

INVITATION:  Scripture tells us that Satan "masquerades as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14).  Are you willing to consider that something that sparkles or seems like "light" could have lured you away from the truth of Jesus Christ and Scripture?  Satan changes his tactics (lures) as we grow and learn....and as we get lazy or complacent in our lives.  Are you staying immersed in the Word of God so you know and recognize truth and know a lure when you see it?  It is always tempting to create our own version of the truth - - just as Adam and Eve were tempted to do in the garden. When we do that, we make God in our OWN image. We have been lured. But sometimes the image we create can seem so "light" and shiny and good and loving. What then?  Are you willing to believe even the hard things of Christ?  Are you willing to stand on truth even when it may not be popular in the culture or when it is under attack? 

MONDAY:  I John 2:15-17: "The world" as used in this scripture is the Greek word cosmos and means "the way of doing things". As Christians, the calling on our life is not love the way the world does things but to love the way Jesus does things. How does that resonate in your soul today?  Bernard of Clairvaux explains that the "stage of love, then, is the time and place to cut out indulgent pleasures, to root out all vices, and to crush all false desires...to deal with other artificial desires which need to be cut off as adulterous and as false branches that grow spontaneously. These are not so much desires as false appetites of the soul, the lust of the eye and the ambitions of the world." It is only then that a Christian "can then hope to make spiritual and true progress."  Saint Ignatius discussed this same stage of the Christian journey and used the term "disordered attachments."  

Reflection:  As you sit in the presence of Jesus today, do you have any "disordered attachments" in your life that may be the lure of Satan?  What about "false desires?"  Have you allowed the culture around you to lure you away from Christ and his plans and purposes in your life?  Remember, Christ's aim is to ultimately "bring life" to you and to me, not to punish or be some kind of kill joy.

TUESDAY:  Hebrews 4:14-16:  The same lures used today were used on Jesus as he was tempted. He can sympathize with our weaknesses. He has been tempted in every way.

The reason fishermen use lures is because they work. Satan has been using the same types of lures for ages for the same reason:  they work.  The allures, distractions and pace of our time, coupled with our inner illusions of self, others and God, threaten to keep us asleep and easily lured away from the Source of our existence, purpose and true rest.   Our addictions may not take the form of chemical cravings--although they they can easily turn to that. But at their core, our cravings reside in our compulsion to be identified with what we have, what we do and what others say about us.  These are age old lures that Satan still uses.  Pastor Adam called them the lures of the flesh, eyes and pride and can be seen in the verses from I John from yesterday.  We are constantly trying to satisfy our desire for power and control (the lust of pride), affection and esteem (the lust of the flesh) and security and survival (the lust of the eyes).

Reflection:  As you consider the "disordered attachment" embodied in lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and/or lust of pride, which area is your greatest area of temptation?  How might you pray to Jesus about that today, keeping in mind He sympathizes and says we can "approach the throne of grace with confidence?"

WEDNESDAY:  Matthew 4:3-4:  After 40 days of fasting, Jesus' need for food was probably acute. Satan used this legitimate and "good" need to tempt Jesus to "prove" his significance and power. Temptation often results from such legitimate needs. Satan knows we can easily rationalize, justify and explain.  What needs do you have in your life that seem to not be met? 

Reflection:  Just as he did with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Satan still tempts us to believe that God is not enough and is not "for us."  It also happened to the Israelites. Even though they were getting manna from heaven for provision, they began grumbling about what what they DIDN'T have.  Do you trust God's provisions in your life and relationships?

THURSDAY:  Psalm 46:1:  Jesus quotes scripture during his time of need and temptation.  A Spirit led life is a Scripture led life. 

Reflection:  How important is being in Scripture in your life?  How do  you prioritize that?  Do you turn to God and trust Him in times of trouble and hardship or do you rely on the internet or culture or your own intellect?  What if scripture goes against what the culture is saying and doing?  Do you believe God is FOR you and that He is enough?

FRIDAY: Matthew 4:5-7 & Proverbs 14:12:  These verses show how Satan tempts with pride of life:  to create your own truth and do it your own way.  Notice that even Satan quotes scripture.  However he twists it.

Reflection:  Are you in Scripture in sufficient ways to know and recognize when it is being twisted (even churches do this) or when YOU are twisting it to suit your own needs and desires? 

SATURDAY:  Matthew 4:8-11 & I John 2:17:  When we are not submitted to the authority of Jesus, we will soon take the lure. Remember, Satan seeks to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY. 

Reflection:  Jesus again uses the truth of scripture in his temptation and his hour of need. He quotes, "worship the Lord your God and serve him only."  Who or what do you worship?  We all worship something. What is it in your life right now?  Are you ready to be under the authority of Jesus and surrender your life, schedule, relationships?