The Body

We are the Church. The Church still has meaning, power and purpose. Together as the Body of Christ, we fulfill God's plans and purposes in this world.

Pastor Adam used a good analogy in his teaching.  One of his daughters got married in the last calendar year. During all the details and preparation regarding colors, venue shopping, dress shopping, menu, etc., Adam could have assumed he was not needed.  Yet he most certainly was a vital part of his daughter getting married.  Similarly, many people make the assumption they are not needed in the local church. They may not see anything tangibly obvious as they attend on Sunday morning, but there is SO much more to the story!  Just because you don't see anything that interests you on Sunday mornings doesn't mean you are not needed there. The scripture says you are needed!

Every believer's presence and participation matters for the Church to function in its purpose. If you don't know or are unsure how you might fit into the Body of Christ,  or even if you simply want further clarity about spiritual gifts, we will be addressing this in more detail in next week's teaching.  A QR code was given today for THIS spiritual gifts assessment.  The Elders will offer a roundtable discussion about gifts and the assessment following next week's service.  Don't miss it!

INVITATION:  This week you are invited to consider how vitally important you are in the Body of Christ - the Church.  Even small parts are important and needed in God's kingdom and God's economy. Everyone has a part! 

MONDAY:  I Corinthians 12:12-13:  The Body of Christ has many parts.  There is a place for everyone:  every temperament, color, size, skill, interest, etc.  Have you ever thought through what part you might play?  You're allowed to think outside the box!  It doesn't have to be what you already do in your work or home life.  As already mentioned, it may be in an area that you don't even know exists because you don't witness it on Sunday morning. What might happen if you DREAM a little bit about how you might be used within your local church of the Church at large?  What resonates with you? What brings you joy? What is your favorite hobby? How might these areas be utilized within the Body of Christ?  We are not created to be lone rangers. We are meant to work as a unit and a team. YOU are indispensable!  How does that make you feel about seeking out how you might be used within the Church?

TUESDAY:  I Corinthians 12:14-17:  What do you think about Paul's example of the human body and needing all parts?  Most people struggle with feelings of insecurity in the area of gifts and talents,. However Jesus gathered with sinners, prostitutes, and tax collectors.  How is he calling you and your gifting in spite of what your insecurities are?  What would it look like to lay your insecurities at the foot of the cross and trust Christ?

WEDNESDAY: I Cor. 12:18-19:  In God's upside down kingdom, no part is more important than the other. Pastor Adam pointed out that it's not lost on him the Church has a bad reputation.  It has most certainly been judgmental, mean and even abusive in many areas.  The Church is made up of people just like you and me:  broken, bruised, tired and worn out sinners.  Could it be time to give the Church another chance?  Could you need to forgive the Church? It is clearly the chosen tool of Christ.  How might Christ want to use you within His Church?

THURSDAY:  I Cor. 12:20-21:  No part of the body (or the Church) is actually more important than another. They are  ALL needed and necessary. Even those that may seem the weakest are important. In fact, some that seem the weakest are MOST necessary. Pastor Adam used the example of the stapes. It is the smallest bone in our body--located in our inner ear--yet plays a major role in us being able to hear.  Are you ready to stop focusing on your qualifications or lack thereof and focus on your availability to God? 

FRIDAY:  Ephesians 3:20:  Through God's "mighty power at work within us" much can be accomplished.  In fact, "infinitely more than we might ask or think."   How does this verse make you feel about what you might perceive as your "lack" of gifting?   Are you relying on yourself or on God? 

SATURDAY:  Mark 10:43; John 13:12-15:  Christian leadership looks and acts much different than what our culture and the world idolizes.  Who and what do you value and idolize?  What kind of leader are you in your place of business and/or family?  What about in the Church?