The Wedding in Cana

We were gifted this week to hear from one of our Elders, David Sanchez, about Jesus' first miracle.  David is a gifted teacher and ordained minister.  If you get the chance, listen to the audio or watch the service on our Facebook page. It is WELL worth your time and will help you enter into a familiar story with new eyes, curiosity and wonder.

David began by having us all think about weddings we have all been to (or been in) where something did not go as planned. Events in weddings - and in life - don't always go as we planned. David shared from his own wedding to his wife, Melissa.  They got married outside of New York City at an outdoor venue and his grandmother was traveling all the way from Arizona. Her flight was delayed and David did not want to proceed without his grandmother present to witness the ceremony.  After all, she was his first connections to the Christian faith. He fondly remembers her reading her Bible for hours each day and living out her faith in tangible ways. David's grandmother played a big part in his Christian journey. As it turns out, there was a short rain shower right when the ceremony was to begin. So, there was a "coincidental" rain delay, his grandmother's flight made it in, and all went forward as planned......only a little bit late because of a rain delay.  Hmmmmm. Was this a miracle at David and Melissa's wedding? 

INVITATION:  Today we look at the wedding in Cana from John 2. This is well known as Jesus' first miracle, or His first sign.   David did a superb job wondering and asking some questions of scripture that we will further examine in this week's study.  Join us and give us your thoughts and reflections!

MONDAY:  Jeremiah 31:12 & Amos 9:14: These Old Testament verses indicate how this first miracle may be significant in terms of prophecies .  The Messiah is connected with a time of JOY and PLENTY.  His first miracle is provision of joy and plenty for a wedding feast. How has Jesus been a source of JOY or PLENTY in your life recently?  How might you pray in gratefulness today?

TUESDAY:  John 2:1-2:  Jewish weddings were typically one week long. They were basically a large party, with ample food, drink, dancing, etc.  I am sure I am not spoiling a mystery by stating at this point in this week's Bible study that Jesus was about to do his first miracle - - at a wedding.  A union of two people.  What might happen in your marriage if you invited Jesus into it?  What about into your home life in general?  If you are married, how might you pray today to invite Jesus into your marriage union?  If you are not married, how might you invite Jesus into a possible future marriage?  Have you ever thought about praying for such a thing in advance? 

WEDNESDAY:  John 2:3:  The food and wine at a Jewish wedding were supplied by the newly married couple. Running out of wine - at only the third day of the celebration - was a major social snafu. This was so serious there was the possibility that legal action could be taken, not to mention a loss of reputation of the entire family.   Mary was clearly concerned. As you sit with this verse, try to enter into it with your imagination.  Do you wonder how Mary even knew the wine was running low? Why do you suppose she went to Jesus? Do you think it may have some hint or nudge to it for Jesus to go ahead and reveal who he truly is?  As you think about Mary's role in Jesus' life, imagine all the reasons why she might want Jesus to make himself known as the Messiah.  David suggested maybe it even had something to do with relieving the social tensions surrounding Mary's mysterious pregnancy with Jesus?  Perhaps Jesus could right all of those whispers now?  How would you like Jesus to be manifest in your life today and this week? 

THURSDAY:  John 2:4-5:  It's easy to read verse 4 as Jesus disrespecting his mother.  However, in this culture and time, it was a response of respect and endearment.  This verse seems to be an indication of the dynamic between mother and son changing. Jesus is no longer under her authority (we presume Joseph had died by now), but under God's authority. He was now on a heavenly time table.....not a family time table.  Mary's words in verse 6 indicated she was willing to do whatever Jesus wanted and instructed others to do the same. She trusted Him. Do you trust Jesus and allow Him to tell you what to do?  He STILL performs miracles....sometimes they are on the inside and not as visible as turning water into wine, but miracles nonetheless. Are you ready to allow Jesus access to your heart to perform miracles? Do you trust Him?

FRIDAY:  John 2:6-7:  David noted that the stone containers were huge. They used stone because it is a substance that cannot become impure and they were used  for people to wash their hands upon entering a home or holy place.  They provided for some method of externally washing and coming clean, but Jesus is going to change things around and talk about INTERNAL cleansing and purity. Where is your focus?  Are you focused more on external "adornment" or on internal things of the heart?  In verse 7 we see the servants obeyed Jesus, and as they obeyed, something happened:  They were witness to a miracle.  They acted and did what they were told to do and they had the blessing of being witness to a miracle.  Keep in mind the process of filling the containers to the brim likely took a long time (back and forth to a well) and was heavy physical labor. It wasn't easy. Sometimes obeying Jesus doesn't seem to make sense and looks like a lot hard work and a lot of time. Are you STILL willing to trust Jesus?  Are you willing to obey?  Is something particularly hard in your life right now you can trust Jesus with?  Is there an invitation to obey?   David noted this quote by Dallas Willard:  "Spiritual transformation into Christ-likeness is not going to happen unless we act....."   What first step toward action in obedience can you take today? 

SATURDAY:  John 2:8:  Isn't it interesting that Jesus included the servants and not the more important folks in this miracle and the blessing?  Most people would want the more important people to know and give credit where credit is due. Not Jesus. Sometimes no one else knows about the transformation processes that are going on in your life or in mine. But you know. God knows.  Who else matters?  David gave the definition of transformation as:  " Change or renewal from a life that conforms to the ways of the world to one that pleases God. "  The world and it's ways will inevitably leave you dissatisfied. What God gives is NEW and the BEST.  He provides PLENTY.  He invites you into the party and the feast!  He gave His best for you - - he gave his son.  Won't you give Him your best in response?  What is God's invitation to you this week?