
Pastor Adam and his wife Tiffany adopted a son who has been blind since birth.  However, Nate knows that one day in heaven he will be able to see. He is able, perhaps better than anyone I know, to live into the "not yet" of eternity rather than to plant and focus on the temporary here and now of his earthly situation.  Perhaps Nate can "see" more than some of us with full vision?  Perhaps his limited sight here on this earthly journey actually increases his spiritual sight and vision for things unseen?    Could it be that some things we consider a "gift" might actually become a hindrance to our faith because we rely on them too much?  Could you be putting trust in things seen rather than unseen?

The famous Helen Keller was blind and deaf. It wasn't until the teacher, Anne Sullivan came and lived with her family that she learned to communicate. At some point the family decided it was time to share the gospel with Helen and to teach her about Jesus. Her response?  "I've always known him.....I just never knew his name."   Somehow this blind girl could "see" the great eternal truth of Jesus that many people with eyesight cannot.

Tim Keller writes:  "Jesus' purpose is not to warm our hearts but to shatter our categories." How is your spiritual sight?  Have you allowed the Lord to examine your spiritual eyesight recently? Are you open to God shattering some categories this week through the Bible study?   What if things aren't actually as they seem or look? 

INVITATION: Today we look at the sixth miracle John records.  It involves the healing of a blind man. As we dive into the scriptures, ask the Holy Spirit to help you "see,"  read between the words,  and to give you an open spirit so that you can "see" ways in which you might be blind in your own life and relationships.   How might God open your eyes this week?

MONDAY:  John 9:1-3:   The disciples revealed their viewpoint about human suffering:  Who is to blame? Where do we point our fingers?  They blamed and distanced themselves from the humanity of the situation that was right in front of their faces.  Sometimes we are guilty of the same thing.   Pastor Adam pointed out that sin always causes suffering, but suffering isn't always caused by sin.  As you sit with these verses, how do you feel about the possibility that you cannot see what God is doing right around you,  or even within you because of your limited sight and your own logic?  How often have you begged God to change a situation in your life, but failed to consider the possibility the situation might exist to change you?   What  would it look like for you to begin to ask different questions?  What would it look like to become curious about what God might be doing and ask how you can be a part of it? 

TUESDAY:  John 9:4-12:  Yet again we see how our human and worldly logic can make us blind to what God might be doing in and around us. So often we only see what we are ready - or willing - to see.  How might you pray about your sight today and in the days to come?  Are you WILLING for God to open your spiritual eyes?   Could you be stuck in your human and/or  worldly logic?

WEDNESDAY:  John 9:13-15:  The people completely looked past the fact this man used to be blind but now could see.  They got lost in the weeds of "how?"   Could you be in the weeds of "why" or "how" and be missing the activity of God in your midst?  As you consider your temperament and life experiences, are "why" and "how" a default setting for you?   Could you be blind to the bigger picture that might exist?

THURSDAY:  John 9:16-25:  Imagine the joy, and the fear, of these parents.  They had to hold both extreme emotions at the same time.  What contrasting emotions are you holding right now?  Sorrow and joy?  Fear and courage? Maybe even life and death?   It is because of the joy of Jesus and that we live for MORE than just what we see and know here on our earthly journey, that we can hold the "both/and" of seemingly opposite emotions.  How might you ask Jesus to help you with this "both/and" of the Christian journey?   Verse 25 is a beautiful  example of how YOU can tell your story to others:  "I was blind but now I see."  You don't have to have all the answers.  Simply be aware of how Jesus has - and is - working in your own personal life.   Have you prayed recently for God to bring someone in your path who needs to hear your personal "blind man story?"  Are you willing to pray such a prayer? 

Here are the words from an 80's Christian song:  "I did not know the blind man or watch Moses part the sea, but I am a first hand witness to the miracles he's performed in me."   What has Jesus done in your life recently?  How might you share this with others? 

FRIDAY:  JOHN 9:26-34:  The Pharisees continued to be stuck on the "why" and "how" and that Jesus had broken some laws, still missing the humanity part of things:  a man born blind had been healed. They skipped right over the miracle and amazement.  Meanwhile, the blind man's faith was increasing as he spoke and was willing to state "if this man were not from God, he could do nothing." (v. 33).  Within the verses we are reading this week, we see the blind man's faith (and sight) increasing.  First it was Jesus. Then prophet and ultimately he professes that his healer was "from God."  Because he stepped out in faith and named Jesus for who he was, the blind man was thrown out from the Jewish community.  Are you willing to profess Jesus in your life?  What if you get ridiculed?   Is your faith growing and increasing here on this earthly journey?  If not, why not?  How might you talk to Jesus about that today?

SATURDAY:  John 9:35-41:  Jesus has come into the world so that "the blind" will see and those who seem to see "will become blind."  Which are you?   Could your faith be limited by your spiritual blindness?   Do you truly see or only seem to see?

You are invited today to fill a bowl with water. As you sit in a comfortable position, focus your attention on Jesus. Ask him to cover you and fill you with HIS healing light. Ask him to show you some part of your life to which you are blind - perhaps a responsibility you don't see or an attitude that blinds you to the truth of a situation. As Jesus to enable you to see what he wants you to see.  Now, wash your eyes with the water, praying that you may see with the eyes of Jesus. Ask Jesus to empower you to take whatever action your renewed spiritual sight requires.