Our Father

The Lord's Prayer, also known as "Our Father" has been around for about 21 centuries. It has been prayed throughout history:  when Rome fell, during the black plague, during world wars.  It has been prayed during ordinary times, during recovery meetings, during weddings and during tragedies.

Often times we end up over-thinking and over-complicating prayer. It is actually fairly simple. It is talking with our heavenly father - our "Abba" or Daddy - who loves us unconditionally.  There is nothing you have done or could do that will make him love you less, and nothing you can do that will make him love you more.  He delights in you and me and longs to have relational conversation with us.  We often put too many rules and expectations around prayer.

Sometimes a poor image of our earthly father (or other authority figures) can affect and block our relationship with our heavenly father. Pastor Adam acknowledged that and cited the statistic that 60% of children in today's world go to bed with no father in the house. That is NOT God. Your earthly father is NOT God. Pastor Adam advised (and warned) us not to judge God by our earthy fathers.  Psalm 68:5 calls God the "father to the fatherless."

Someone once approached a teacher and asked her how to cultivate a deeper prayer life. "Say the Lord's Prayer," she replied, "but take an hour to say it." Far from being a quick, rote form, this prayer Jesus taught us can become a life giving pattern for rich communion with God. Take the time during this week and in the upcoming series to slowly and meditatively pray the phrases of this prayer. Consider each clause an invitation that is very specific and personal to you.

INVITATION:  Are you ready to have a trusting relationship with the God of the universe, who is also your safe, loving, faithful Abba/Daddy?  How might you be able to let go of things that keep you in bondage and away from intimate relationship?   Are you open to letting go of such things? Jesus beckons us into relationship with him no matter how we come, how we pray, how we look.  Join in this week as we begin unpacking the Lord's Prayer.  If you missed the powerful teaching, you can listen to it online HERE.   How can you talk with God this week?  It doesn't need to look or sound any particular way.  Pray as you CAN; not as you CAN'T.  Start right where you are.  Just start.

MONDAY:  Matthew 6:5:  Everyone loves to hate hypocrites. The church takes the biggest hit for being "full of hypocrites." This verse is warning against making prayer a performance....like an actor or actress in a play.  Prayer is to interact with God. As mentioned in the opening paragraph, we often over-think and complicate this.  As you get honest, what would you like to say to God today?  Go ahead and say it!  What would you like to ask Him?  What would you like to fuss about?  Yes...you can even fuss to God! The Psalms are full of it. God can handle it. 

TUESDAY:  Matthew 6:6-7: Even though most of us can recite the Lord's Prayer by memory, the important thing is what is BEHIND the words. Prayer is relational, not transactional.  How do you relate to God?  Is it more transactional than relational?  Do you have an "if/then" type relationship with God?  How might you be more personal and relational with God today and this week?  If you aren't sure, ask God to show you!

WEDNESDAY: Matthew 6:8:  Even if you do not have a good image of an earthy father, imagine what that might look like. The security, the trust, the safety and the joy.  Your father in heaven DELIGHTS in you:  in the big moments and in the little moments. He delights in you even if you bring no words at all. It is not about WHAT or HOW you pray.  It is the spirit behind your prayer. It is about the posture of your heart. Do you even want to talk with God?  Your father already knows your heart, so why not be honest in your prayers and chats with him?  Take a few moments now and express yourself to your heavenly father.  How does that feel for you?

THURSDAY:  Galatians 3:26-28: The Lord's Prayer is communal....OUR Father.  We are all one in Christ. That even includes people you don't like. That even includes church people who have hurt you in the past...maybe prayed for very hypocritical reasons and in very hypocritical ways. Could you be limiting your relationship and prayers because of issues you might have with the communal nature of God?   Do you have deep seated beliefs that God is only on the side of people who are like you?  How might you confess this to  your loving father today?

FRIDAY:  John 1:12-13: When you see God as He is and you see yourself as GOD sees you, it changes everything.  You don't need a loving earthy father to feel secure and connected to God.  You need an honest, intimate, trusting relationship with God the Father. Are you ready to begin cultivating that? Are you ready for letting go of all that you are allowing to get in the way of that? 

SATURDAY:  Romans 8:14-17: The Spirit that lives in you is not one of fear. YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD.  How can you begin living into that identity....your TRUE identity?  When you begin to see yourself as your heavenly father see you, it can change everything. Are you ready for that?

IN CLOSING THE WEEK:  Remember, beloveds: You have nothing to earn, and nothing to lose, and nothing to gain, and nothing to prove. You are truly, deeply loved. Let's think on that today and this week and begin to draw openly and honestly near to "our father who art in heaven."