
he founding pastor of Rockhills Church, Dave Lantz, spoke on this Palm Sunday.  He talked about why Jesus came to die and what that means for how we should live.  As Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, everyone assumed he came to conquer. However, his purpose was to die.  What does that mean for you and I as we walk out this Christian journey?

Dave quoted Hillary Stanton Zunin:  "The risk of love is loss and the price of loss is grief - but the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love."   God's view of death is different than ours.   What is YOUR view of death?  What is your view of life?  What is your view of love?  Are these views the same as God's view?  What do you think about God loving so much that He risked giving  His son to die?  Have you ever sat and thought about how big that risk was and how big that love was?

INVITATION:  Let's dive into scripture and look at God's view of death. What might he want you to know so that you can truly live?  What if it includes dying in order to live?  

MONDAY:  John 12:23-28:  How do you "hate your life?"  What do you think this means?  Pastor Dave pointed out that in the original language, the word death communicated something to "avoid."  We are to AVOID our independent, autonomous lifestyle. We are to live for Christ, and die to living for ourselves.  God risked everything for you. Are you willing to risk anything for the cause of Christ?  Is there an invitation for you within these verses?  How might you try to avoid autonomy this week?

TUESDAY:  Hebrews 2:10-15:  From God's perspective, death is not natural.  In human terms, we might say death is part of nature, but it is clear from Genesis that death was not part of the original plan. We are created in God's image for life - not death.  However, sin (independence and autonomy) entered into the world in the Garden of Eden and that is where death entered the world.  It was not God's original plan. These verses indicate Jesus is the AUTHOR of our salvation because of his suffering and death.  Jesus came to earth to live the perfect life, to die for your sins and my sins, and this breaks the power of sin and death.  This is the gospel - the good news. Have you acknowledged this author in your life?  Are you willing to "die" to your independent ideas and lifestyle and make Jesus the Lord of your life?   The enemy constantly whispers "death" in our lives. Whose voice are you listening to?

WEDNESDAY:  Romans 6:5-8:  God wants death to draw us closer to Him.  What Jesus did for us becomes part of us.....we can begin the process of putting our sin nature to death and "hate" (avoid) it.  Romans 8:1 states, "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."   We are united to Christ in life....and in death.  What would it look like and sound like for you to let go of condemnation during this Holy week?  Do you have a condemning voice that lives within you?  How might you begin listening to the voice of Jesus over that condemning voice? 

THURSDAY: Col. 2:13-14:  We are now fully alive in Christ. Do you believe this?  What would it look like to step out and respond  in faith to this truth?

FRIDAY:   2 Cor. 4:7-10:  Death shows us how to live for what matters most.   Jesus took the condemnation for us. We aren't pretty or perfect. We will make mistakes. However, the light of God is in us. How can you begin to take up the cross of Jesus, follow him, and let HIS light live and shine through you.....dying to yourself?  How do you think you will LIVE once you DIE?   What a meaningful time of year to "share in the sufferings of Christ" (I Peter 4:13) and die.....Holy week and Easter.    May Christ shine through you in new and powerful ways as you die to yourself.