Hallowed Be Thy Name

The Lord's prayer is not simply a grouping of words to memorize, but a personal way to connect with God. Isn't that what prayer is all about?  A relationship and communication and intimacy with God?   How are your conversations with God these days?

Pastor Adam focused on "hallowed be thy name" from The Lord's Prayer this week.  This is a line which is sometimes easy to skim over. The first line of the prayer addresses God, then it quickly moves into words of requests.  This line is tucked in the middle and Jesus included them for a reason.  This week we examine the reasons for "hallowed be thy name."

To hallow is to set something apart.  Theologian and author Dallas Willard suggests it is "uniquely respected, trusted and loved." Do you set God's name apart?  In today's culture a name may have sentimental reasons, but in Biblical times the meanings were even more weighty. Names indicated character and reputation.

INVITATION:  As we dig this week, we will discover we are called to "bear the name of God" in the world. You and I represent God.  How might you set apart and represent God this week?

MONDAY:  Exodus 33:19 and Exodus 34:5-7:  Moses, who eagerly sought to behold God, is taught the importance of his name and that following God wherever he might lead is to behold God.  God's compassion, grace, love and faithfulness make up his name.  Take some time today to pray, rest and contemplate on the name of the Lord. Yahweh. God.  How have you experienced his compassion, grace, love and faithfulness recently?

TUESDAY:  Psalm 20:7:  We can trust in the NAME of the Lord our God. That is how powerful his name is and how trustworthy his character is. It's all too easy to get caught up in trusting our resources, our influence, our job, or maybe for you it's technology.  Do you trust in the name of the Lord your God or do you trust other things?  This is personal.  We serve a personal God. He's not just "out there somewhere" for others to  place their trust in.  He is present and real for you and for me. Today. Now.

WEDNESDAY:  Proverbs 18:10:  Let your imagination play with the image in this verse. Picture a strong tower, a place of safety for you. Imagine that you are outside the tower, under attack. What is attacking you? As you are driven back toward the tower, you call on the name of the Lord. At once the tower gate opens and you can run inside to safety. Your enemy can no longer reach you. You are safe in the tower of the Lord's strength and goodness. If you are inclined, you might want to draw or paint a picture of yourself safe within the tower while enemies lurk outside. Perhaps you can listen to/sing a hymn such as "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" or "Rock of Ages" or "The Rock that is Higher Than I." 

THURSDAY:  Exodus 20:7:  How do we "hallow" God's name?  We can take a clue from this familiar verse in the Ten Commandments. It sometimes gets twisted into only meaning not using the name of God in a dishonorable way, and that is certainly one meaning.  However, the literal translation is to "not bear the name of the Lord in vain."  In the Old Testament (See Exodus 28:29),  the priests garments would literally "bear the name of the people" (all the tribes) to God, and also represent God to the people.  You bear the name of God and I bear the name of God.  What are you showing the world on a daily basis?  As you consider the fact that you are a name bearer and representing the character of God to others,  how would you like to pray today? 

FRIDAY:  I Peter 4:16:  Throughout the gospels, Jesus represents the name of God.  Likewise, we are to bear the name of Christ. Peter encourages his readers to stand fast in the name and grace of God through Christ. Do you ever feel embarrassed to represent Christ into the world?  Certainly Christians over the years have embarrassed themselves and brought a bad name to our faith. How might you do your part in changing that?  Perhaps its simply under the roof of your own home with your own family? What invitation do you sense from God today?

SATURDAY:  Ezekiel 36:21-23: These verses are calling a generation of people back to the Lord and reminding them to bear His name.   As you take some time for prayer, how is the Lord God of Israel.....Yahweh....speaking to you today?  What is the invitation?