Psalm 131

This week we dive into a new type of Psalm. It is a traveling song that the entire family would sing as they travelled to Jerusalem and the temple. It is called a Psalm of Ascent.

Psalms 120-134 are all Psalms of ascent. These were sung three times a year as people traveled to Jerusalem (which was at the top of a hill). The journey was typically about 15 miles, all uphill, and took around eight hours for most families. Then, when they reached the temple, there were fifteen steps up to the temple entrance and they would sing the same Psalms again. The first step was Psalm 120. The second was Psalm 121 and so on. 

These songs prepared the hearts of the people for whatever God had in mind for them. The Jewish people were intentional about preparing their hearts prior to their time meeting with God.

INVITATION:  Do you ever wonder why things don't seem to change in regard to your spiritual life? Pastor Adam suggested it could be because preparation might be missing. In our instant gratification culture, preparation is not something that is valued. This week we focus on how the early believers prepared prior to going through the Temple, but we can also look at the life of Jesus and how He prepared for meeting with the Father. 

Think about how you "prepare" (or don't prepare) to meet with God. Think about your daily time with God...or perhaps as you  get ready to attend church on a Sunday.  What do YOU do to prepare your heart, mind and soul to hear the Word of God and respond to it?  

MONDAY:  Remember. Renew. Respond.  We see this rhythm repeated time and time again throughout Scripture.  Remember the Lord's faithfulness.  Renew your commitment to Him.  Respond with gratefulness and thanksgiving.  You are invited today to spend time with the Lord in these areas.  Take some time and consider even writing these things down in a journal or notebook.   This could even be a pattern for your every day prayer time. Below is a suggested model.

Remember:  How did you see God's hand in your life during the past day (or week)?   Renew:  State your intentions toward God and living your life for Him. Respond:  As you consider God's faithfulness and love in your life, how would you like to respond? What gratefulness and thanksgiving would you like to express?

TUESDAY:  Psalm 131:1:  One of the purposes of these songs (and this Psalm) is to prune away unnecessary things and to refocus on what matters. It was easy then, and it is easy now to get hyper-focused on ourselves.  Keep in mind this Psalm was written by a King.  How easy it could be for a King to stay focused on things too great and too high that were outside of God's intentions.   What might you be focused on that has become too great or too high?

WEDNESDAY: I Peter 5:5-7: Notice there is no caveat in this verse about having pride toward "good" things. It's easy sometimes to get lured and even addicted to "good" things: providing for the family; exercise; and even things surrounding serving God. Are you willing to ask God today if there is pride in any areas of your life and service? What might it look like to allow GOD to lift you up rather than trying to lift yourself up and prove yourself?

THURSDAY:  Psalm 131:2:  Psalms like this also help prune away immature dependency. Are you a "self feeder" regarding the things of God or do you rely on someone else for all your spiritual food?  Do you read? Do you lead? Are you trying to make a difference in the Kingdom of Christ?   If not, could it be time to grow up?   God has so much He wants to do in and through you, but often in our pride we rush to church to "check the box" and then rush out into the world, never taking the time to prepare ourselves and learn the deeper things of God.  We never learn to "chew" but stay on milk in our spiritual lives.  Is there an invitation from God to you to grow up? 

FRIDAY:  I Cor. 15:53-55:  Life is not all about whatever might be going on right now in your life - no matter how big or important it may seem. There is an eternal and greater perspective.  How can you keep the big picture in mind today and this week?

SATURDAY:  Psalm 131:3:  Pastor Adam pointed out that we gather together in community to express God's grace, to quiet our anxious fears and as a reminder of our eternal perspective.  Are you participating in Christian community in your life?