Questions of a Skeptic

Al Hassler shared his journey going from a skeptical, cynical atheist to becoming a follower of Jesus.   Although Al had many doubts and questions and needed analytical, academic logic to find the truth of Jesus, some people have a more simple faith journey.  God is faithful in ALL our stories!  This week's study will include some quotes as well as various scriptures. However, it does not capture the profound teaching that Al did about his journey and the deep, hard questions he asked and sought answers to.  You are encouraged to listen to it on Facebook or on our website. 

God is faithful. He can be found....whether you have simple questions, or scientific, academic complicated questions. God can handle it. So can scripture.  Have you legitimately sought out truth in your life, or do you just go with the flow of the culture?  "Seek and you shall find."  (Matthew 7:7).  Al's story is one of constantly seeking and desiring truth.  Yes, he took a lot of hard and wrong turns, but God never left Him alone.  What is your story?  God is NOT finished writing it yet.  Could you keep taking the pen away and trying to write it yourself?  Are you getting caught up in the world's logic and reasoning or are you seeking God and His truth?  How might you trust God with your story this week?

INVITATION: Some of this week's study consists of quotes as well as Scripture.  Read the quotes in a prayerful, devotional way, similar to Scripture, asking the Holy Spirit what He may want to show you from them.   You might consider praying from Psalm 139 before this week, allowing the Holy Spirit to "search you and know your heart...." 

MONDAY:  Argument from Conscience:  Al mentioned that C.S. Lewis and J.R. R.Tolkien used to meet at a pub and discuss morality, theology and other weighty topics.  What is known as the "argument from conscience" came from some of these talks and it was one big key in Al moving from atheist to Christian.  C.S. Lewis argued that "conscience reveals to us a moral law whose source cannot be found in the natural world, thus pointing to a supernatural Lawgiver."  Every culture knows it is wrong to murder.  Education doesn't make a difference.  Upbringing doesn't make a difference. C.S. Lewis wrote that all people are "programed" with this morality.  Therefore, there must be a program-er.   Have you ever considered who programmed you at your deepest level?  Have you ever looked into the rational arguments for the existence of God?

TUESDAY:  Romans 2:13-16:   Have you ever considered that the requirements of God's law is written on your heart, i.e. programed in you by your maker?  How does this make  you feel?  Do you feel any resistance toward this idea?  How might you talk with God about that today?

WEDNESDAY:  Matthew 26:56:  This is a scripture that God used as a catalyst in Al's conversion story, particularly as he was questioning whether or not the Bible could be considered reliable or not.  Besides there being lots of manuscript evidence for the Bible,  Al questioned the honesty and truth of the writers.  However, the commitment to truth he saw in scripture is unlike anything else.  People are constantly willing to lie and create narrative to make themselves look BETTER, but never to make themselves look worse.   Yet here the disciples are writing about how they deserted Jesus.  Because of this, Al was able to make the leap and believe these same disciples when they wrote about seeing Jesus raised from the dead.  Also, all but John are eventually martyred for their faith.  People don't die for a con.  They die for truth.   What is your belief regarding the truth of Scripture?  Do you, like Al's early years, believe it is fables and lies? Have you ever seriously considered that it might all be truth and the "north star" for life? Could it be the One who created you actually also wrote a manual?  He did not leave us here without instruction.  How might you begin to spend time in Scripture and apply it in your life?  Are you even willing to try?

THURSDAY:  Psalm 16:4:  Al talked about how even after researching the truth of Scripture, he was back pedaling about becoming a Christian. He thought his lifestyle was the only thing that ever brought moments of what seemed like "relief" from the difficulty and loneliness of the daily grind of living life.   This verse is what Al Hassler says is "the truest thing I know."   He chased after almost all the "Gods" the world and our culture say will make you happy, and by the world's standards, he was successful at it.  Education, job status, money, women, sex, materialism, etc.  When he realized it was exactly those things that were actually causing his sorrows, he began to live in obedience to Christ and have all the deeper things of Christ:  love, joy, peace, patience, and the rest of the fruits of the Spirit of God.  (Gal. 5:22-23).  What Gods are in your life?

FRIDAY:  Ecclesiastes 3:11:  God has set eternity in your heart and in my heart.  Take some time today and consider what/how you have experienced eternity in your heart.  What implication might that have for you and your life and your relationships?

SATURDAY:  Psalm 148:1 & Ephesians 2:6-7:  These scriptures helped in Al's journey regarding why we are told to praise God and why a perfectly content trinity even bothered with creating human beings.  Al originally saw God as weak and egotistical for "demanding" praise from us.  Over time, he realized God doesn't need our worship, but know it is the ultimate enjoyment of God and each other.  Al's example was a beautiful sunset.  Doesn't it make it even more enjoyable to share it with someone?   As for why humans were created, we are the very objects of God's love. Couples do not have children (or pets) for economic reasons. It is for the joy and satisfaction of pouring out their love on another.  WE were created out of God's outpouring of love. 

Al closed with this quote from Saint Augustine:   "Thou hast made us for Thyself O God, and the heart of man is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.”

Have YOU found rest in the love of Christ and "pleasures at his right hand" as Psalm 16:11 mentions?  Or, are you restlessly seeking pleasures in other Gods like Al Hassler did for so many years?