
One of our Elders, Constanza Roeder, taught today on a spiritual practice that most of us are not only uneducated about, but also unprepared for if we even consider it. And if we do attempt to undertake it, we likely do so with the wrong motives and reasoning.  That spiritual practice is FASTING. 

Scripture seems to consider fasting just as important as  praying, i.e. that it is essential and will be part of our life and rhythm with God and will be practiced regularly as a follower of Jesus.  Is that how you view fasting? Jesus himself talked to believers saying WHEN you fast. To be a follower of Christ who seriously undertakes to be His "apprentice", there is not an "if" element about fasting.

Stanzy pointed out there is a difference between abstaining  (such as social media), and fasting.  Fasting is always about food/drink.  Interestingly, the first instance of Jesus fasting occurs in Matthew 4 when he was tempted by Satan and the first temptation just happened to be about food.  It is a mirror of the first fasting in the Bible which was done by Moses (recorded at Ex. 34:28). 

INVITATION:  Jesus made it clear that our spiritual lives should direct our entire person toward God - - not just our mind/head.  We are created as embodied creatures and fasting can be a powerful spiritual tool and practice.  You are encouraged to pray for the spirit of God to speak into your life about the spiritual practice of fasting. Could it be  a practice you are being called into for more discipline, focus and power in your life and journey with God?  Lent is just around the corner - a season often marked by the practice of fasting.  Are you willing to listen to the still, small voice of God regarding this spiritual discipline? 

MONDAY:  I Corinthians 6:19-20:  How might you be called to honor God with your body?  Is there any particular invitation for you as the season of Lent approaches?

TUESDAY:  Isaiah 58:1-3:  Sometimes people fast to please themselves or to somehow try to manipulate God.  Stanzy pointed out how these verses even touch on expecting God to do or act in a certain way.  As you examine your heart and intentions, could you be drawn toward fasting for the wrong reasons or for some expectation or manipulation of God?  Or, could there be some type of effort to please yourself in your motives to fast (such as losing weight)?  Fasting is all about seeking/desiring  more of God. Does that describe you?

WEDNESDAY:  Hosea 13:4-6: Fasting makes us uncomfortable. It is likely why it's not talked about more or practiced more. We seek comfort!  Yet,  when we are comfortable, we have a tendency to forget God and settle in and be satisfied in our self reliance.   Could you be too comfortable and "satisfied" in your life?  Could you be forgetting God and becoming proud in your life? 

THURSDAY:  Isaiah 58:3-5:  Physical pain  and discomfort can bring up emotional issues and what is sometimes called our "disordered attachments" or our sin.  Fasting makes things come to the surface and helps us get in touch with our deepest needs that may be buried deep within us.  Honestly, that's one of the reasons we avoid fasting (realizing our deep needs), yet it's one of the benefits.  When things bubble up they can be worked on with God--or perhaps a Spiritual Director or your pastor, mentor or counselor.  Are you trying to hide and outrun or bury things that are buried deep within you?   

FRIDAY:  Saint Augustine of Hippo said, " Because it is sometimes necessary to check the delight of the flesh in respect to licit pleasures in order to keep it from yielding to illicit joys."   Many pastors and counselors use fasting as a way to help buffer us from committing sin.  It leads to better self control in all areas of life and helps us be more open and ready for changes in our thinking and behavior.  Matthew 5:8 helps us understand how fasting can help us quiet our brain and draw us closer to God.  Do you long for more of God and to "see" God as this verse talks about?   Perhaps there is an invitation to fast. 

SATURDAY:  Isaiah 58:6-12:  Could you be getting so comfortable in your life and situation that it is inconvenient when God calls to  you?  Fasting keeps us from getting too attached to comfort to where we are deaf to God's call and blind to the needs of others.