
Chapter 3 of Ephesians begins the transition from a Christian understanding of salvation, grace, and the power of Christ into a practical guide for Christian living. To make the transition, in this chapter, Paul refers to his own calling by God and prays for the spiritual strength of the Ephesian church.

This week's study applies to the Church as a whole, but also to your personal faith community (such as Rockhills in San Antonio, Texas). The Church is not meant to be only a social club or a place to make new business contacts. It is the Body of Christ that makes a statement into the world and the culture. John 13:35 indicates the world will know we are disciples, or followers of Jesus, by our love. Love should be the quality our culture sees most clearly n the Body of Christ.

INVITATION: How is your church doing in these days and time? How are YOU doing as part of a body of believers as a whole and within your own faith community? Are you being a good steward of what God is calling all believers to, and what He is calling you personally toward?

MONDAY: Ephesians 3:1: Paul wrote this book primarily to the Gentiles. In this day and time, what Paul had to say was radical because it was an "us vs. them" culture, i.e. Jews vs. Gentiles. Paul was saying mind blowing things by indicating the Messiah had come not JUST for Jews, but also for Gentiles. People often don't like "them" (the other) included - - particularly if they feel they somehow were entitled or earned their position or authority. The Jews had always been "God's people" and now the Gentiles were being included. Do you have an "us vs. them" mentality about any certain group or type of people?

TUESDAY: Ephesians 3:2-5: Paul uses the word "mystery" quite a bit in this chapter of Ephesians. How are you with mystery? It is something that often cannot be made sense of by the use of mere intellect. Sometimes you have to look at your own disposition and character when it comes to examining mystery. Much of our faith involves mystery. Can you trust God rather than your own intellect or understanding when it comes to the mysteries of God? The Jews' minds were twisted when they were told to include Gentiles as part of "the family of God." Is there anything blowing your mind right now that you might take to Jesus in prayer?

WEDNESDAY: Pastor Adam discussed the word "stewardship" used in these scriptures. Stewardship is what you do with what you have. What are you doing with everything God has given you: love, forgiveness, grace, the gospel, mercy?

How are you stewarding the gospel in your live?

How are you stewarding God's calling on your life? Are you doing what God has called you to do?

THURSDAY: Ephesians 3:6-7: It is a mystery that the Gentiles are being called fellow heirs to God's plan. The Gentiles can "share equally in the riches inherited by God's children." Think of the last time you received some news or information that seemed to twist your brain. Are you even able to consider the possibility that you might be wrong? Or misunderstand something you felt sure about? How might you ask God to help you be able to hold things of this world loosely? Even things you feel supposedly "sure" about? Do you allow space for the revelation of God.....and mystery?

FRIDAY: Revelation 7:9-10: These verses are a picture of eternity. Ephesians 3 paints a picture of how the dividing lines are to be erased not just in eternity, but NOW. We should look and sound like the Kingdom of God here on earth: "On earth as it is in heaven." Though we (Gentiles) were once alienated and strangers, we are now included. Pastor Adam spoke about not separating yourself from the Church by thinking "I can do all this God stuff on my own." We are created for community. We need each other. We are all partakers of the same mystery and promise. Just as there is Father, Son and Spirit, we are all part of the same body and meant to be in community with each other - no matter what our differences. No, there is NOT a perfect community and it can rub against us sometimes, but that is all part of humility, growth and trust. It is all part of erasing the lines as we "work out our faith with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2:12). Have you separated yourself from Christian community....from the local church? How might you pray about that today?

SATURDAY: Ephesians 3:7-13: Even the angels in heaven look down and acknowledge when we all worship and come together in unity. Are you doing your part to help earth look more like heaven?