Prayer. It is a topic that is often perplexing and confusing, even to the most long-term believers. We say we believe in it, but it is nonetheless shrouded in mystery and confusion. We often believe (or live like we believe) there is only one way to pray, or one "right" way to talk with God, but in this week's teaching, Tiffany Harris encouraged us to kick our "prayer box" open. Prayer is not only powerful, but also versatile, portable and pro-active. Tiffany added that it is also fool proof.
Tiffany encouraged us to contemplate what we think of when we think about and consider prayer. Take a few moments this week and consider this. Perhaps journal about it. Do you automatically think of something like the Lord's Prayer? Do you sometimes think to yourself "God already knows all the answers, so why bother"? Do you perhaps feel cynical about prayer? Then this week's message is for you!
INVITATION: Let's get honest about how we feel about prayer this week. God can handle our honesty, and if we're honest, we've all had our frustrations in the area surrounding prayer. There is a well known quote: "Prayer should be our first response, not our last resort." How is your prayer life? As a human being, we all desire to "fix" and control things. As a result, prayer is often our LAST resort as opposed to our first step. Join in this week as we dive into God's word regarding prayer. Let's get honest and practical with God this week!
MONDAY: Phil. 4:6-7: This verse clearly instructs us to "tell God what you need." Often we feel like we don't deserve or somehow aren't entitled to ask for things we need (or even want). Tiffany suggested that we all do a heart search regarding motives, but not to forget that God delights in us NAMING our desires and needs. There are numerous places in scripture when Jesus asks "What do you want me to do for you?" Have you ever thought about that? Do you believe it to be true? Your heavenly father wants to talk with you about the deepest recesses of your heart, mind and soul. How might you "tell God what you need" today and this week? You are invited to journal and notice what we are told in the remainder of the verse "...then you will experience God's you live in Christ Jesus." How often have you prayed, but then forgotten to notice what comes after? Maybe it's specific answers to prayer, or maybe the prayer doesn't get answered, but you find a gift of peace and calm in the midst of your storm. Begin noticing this week how prayer infiltrates your each and every day, and then notice what follows in the hours, days and even weeks to come.
TUESDAY: Col. 4:2 & Ephesians 6:18(a): These verses instruct us to "continue steadfastly in prayer" and to "pray in the spirit at all times and on every occasion." Are you seeing a theme in these verses? Tiffany pointed out that God LOVES to converse with us in prayer. Prayer is, quite simply, a conversation with our loving heavenly father. Both talking and listening. There is nothing you need to hide from God. He already knows anyway, so why not bring things out into the light of Christ and begin to get them off your chest and bring a sense of peace as opposed to anxiety? How might you "pray on every occasion" in your day today? Prayer can occur any time - day or night. It can be with others, or all alone. It can be in the airport, in the car, at work or as you fall asleep at night. Nothing can prevent you from prayer except yourself. Could you be your own worst enemy regarding prayer?
WEDNESDAY: Ways to pray. Tiffany offered some very practical ways to pray. You are invited to choose one of these - perhaps a new way - and have conversation with your loving Father today:
One word. "Help" might be an example
Phrase: "Jesus alone is enough." Consider a deep breath in ("Jesus alone" and then exhale with "is enough"). This is sometimes called a breath prayer. Some people like to use specific scripture for a breath prayer (Ex: "The Lord is my shepherd" on the inhale, and "I shall not want" on the exhale.)
Alone or with another person or group. Have you ever considered having a prayer partner in your life? Perhaps a once a week time together, or once a month?
Borrowed prayers. Tiffany mentioned she often Googles prayers for specific situations. There are many rich prayer books. Some of the leaders at Rockhills can make recommendations if this interests you. Sometimes reading the prayers of another person can help us focus and keep us on task better than coming up with our own prayers.
Models. Tiffany mentioned the model ACTS. Your prayer begins with the Adoration of God and ends with your Supplications (or requests):
A = Adoration
C = Confession
T = Thanksgiving
S = Supplication
THURSDAY: We can pray for ANY reason. Tiffany eloquently mentioned (and gives a very personal example - we recommend you watch the recording of the service) a personal time of what she calls "Praying into the Waiting." How often has a time of waiting in your life been filled with anxiety, worry and fret? What might it look like to make it more active waiting by praying into the waiting? Are you waiting for something? A baby? A new job? A wayward child? What might it look like to make prayer a regular practice while your are also waiting? God IS with you in the waiting! Why not begin some open communication about your waiting? Tiffany mentioned she has had the "yes" answers. She has had the "take the long way around" answers. She's had the "more than I could ask or imagine" kind of answers (Eph. 3:20), but no matter what the answer or outcome, God proved himself to be good and trustworthy. Are you ready to step out in confident faith in your prayer life? Consider talking with God today about your current season of waiting. How might you and God partner during this time?
FRIDAY: Practical steps to reframe prayer and praying into the wait:
Take some time to think about the situation you are praying for
Write down what you are praying about
Express your thoughts, feelings, doubts, fears, hopes to God
What do you need from God?
What are the different facts/things you are facing in this situation that you can be praying about?
Begin to pray into the wait
SATURDAY: Tiffany closed reminding us that God loves you. God hears you. God can be trusted. Which of these resonates the most in your life right now? Take a few moments to chat with God about it. Tell him specifically what you need.