Teaching Elder Stephen Eckert taught today about looking back at 2019 and forward into 2020. Many people try to have some type of new year’s reflection and Stephen shared vulnerably about some things in his life that might be helpful in ours. As he looked at 2019 he saw numerous times when he allowed his job, friends and family to take the place of—and be the hope-- that God should have be in his life. He is hoping and striving for changes and improvement in 2020. Perhaps you are looking for similar changes?
This week’s Bible study will go through some rules and commands of Jesus that are put into place for our own good. God is not a “killjoy” intent on keeping us stoic and sterile and stuck. God’s commands help us not only maintain our relationship with Him but also are for our ultimate good and help move us forward for our ultimate joy and good life. Isn’t that what we are all longing \for and striving for as a new year rolls around? Isn’t that what we are all truly longing for if we are really honest?
INVITATION: Consider praying and asking God to lead, guide and direct you into a better 2020 WITH HIM. How might you find and follow Jesus better this year? How might you look at the past year to find areas to improve upon? How might you ask for guidance and direction as you move forward?
MONDAY: Matthew 7:24-27: Jesus makes it clear that putting God first means being obedient. It means not just HEARING but DOING. How do you feel about that command? Jesus says it even more clearly in John 14:15. “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” How do you feel about these commands? Can you be honest with God in your prayers about them today?
TUESDAY: Stephen shared some commands that have helped him help move into 2020 with more intention. Maybe they will help you as well? The first command Stephen mentioned is the final of the 10 commandments. “Do not covet.” How are you doing with this? Coveting at its surface can seem harmless. Read II Samual 11 and 1 Tim. 6: 6-10: What do these verses tell you about people who strive for riches or to get ahead in society? “The Love of money is the ROOT OF ALL KINDS OF EVIL.” Are you willing to take that into prayer and ask God to show you how you might need to be guided by HIM….instead of by yourself or by the world and its values?
WEDNESDAY: Hebrews 13:1-3; "Serve others" is another command that Stephen wants to incorporate into his 2020 that we might consider incorporating into our life--with God’s help—because it leads to a satisfying life. Even secular wisdom validates this truth: Mark Twain wrote ”The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.” Are you TRULY willing to serve? How might that look as Rockhills moves into a new building and location? Are you ready, willing and able to accept and guide others into a life with Jesus? How might you step into a place of leadership for Rockhills Church or your own local church in this regard?
THURSDAY: COLOSSIANS 3:12-17: Forgiveness is for the benefit of the forgiver. Even sources outside the Bible discuss the benefits of forgiveness for others. Stephen gave some examples from the Mayo Medical Clinic website. Those benefits include healthier relationships, improved mental health, lower blood pressure, and fewer symptoms of depression. Are you ready and willing to forgive - - -in obedience to God and for your OWN benefit and health reasons?
FRIDAY: Ephesians 5:20: Giving thanks is repeated often in scripture. It is a great practice for the new year. There are many studies on the benefits of “giving thanks” and “gratefulness.” Are you ready to heed the command? This includes giving thanks even when things are HARD, trusting the character of God and trusting that somehow he has your good in mind. Check out Romans 1:21 for an example of the consequences of NOT giving thanks. It is a command. How might you heed this command in 2020?
SATURDAY: Stephen closed by reminding us of the opportunity presented to all of us by the new building that Rockhills will be moving into in 2020. Rockhills needs the commitment of time, talent and treasure by its people in order to move forward. How might God be calling you to commit or give or sacrifice? Can you pray about what your role might be in regard to the move into the new building?