First Habits

This new teaching series will offer encouragement, suggestions and hope to initiate new habits that help us become more like Jesus. Isn’t that what the Christian journey on this earth is all about?  Isn’t God’s call on us to become “holy?”  Most people have vague intentions of putting more focus on God. Unfortunately, these intentions often remain nothing more than a vague hope that things will change--rather than becoming intentional and disciplined aspects of our life. Our culture places more value on mind and body than on spirit. What about you? Do you want this year to be different? Where is your life with God headed? Where is your relationship with Rockhills Church (or wherever you may go for worship) headed this year?  Are you wanting to be more intentional in your spiritual life?  If so, you’ve come to the right place! 

These “uphill habits” will be simple - - but not easy.  If the word “habit” is off-putting to you, perhaps you can consider them spiritual disciplines or practices or rhythms to put into your life to help you become more Christlike. Whatever you choose to call them, Pastor Adam issued a challenge to give God your 2020. He emphasized that if you do so, you will never do life any other way again and you WILL find God faithful!  Are you onboard to develop some uphill habits for 2020?  Begin one step at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time, and you will not be sorry. 

INVITATION:  Pastor Adam encouraged us that we will NEVER look back after devoting our year to God and growth in and with Him. God wants to do something powerful, and it begins with us individually saying “yes” to His work in our lives. Let’s get started!

MONDAY: Matthew 4:4-26.  It is recommended you read this passage from The Message.  Read verse 10 a few times over slowly. If you only knew what God has planned for your heart, your life and your church, you, too, would be asking - maybe even begging - for the fresh water.  The living water that Jesus provides. Are you willing to develop some new habits in your life in order to drink from the well that will never run dry?  Consider praying for God’s help as you move forward developing your “uphill habits” for 2020. 

TUESDAY: Phil. 3:13-14:  Are you ready to forget what is behind and move ahead with God taking the lead instead of yourself?  Look forward with hope, and look back with repentance. Repentance basically means changing direction. Consider praying today for God’s help in areas where you need to “change directions” in your life, habits, attitudes.  

WEDNESDAY:  Uphill Habit #1:  Focus on what you do first. 

A)  Put God First.  Romans 12:1-2:  This is another verse that I find particularly powerful when reading The Message version.  How might you begin your day giving it to God as an “offering?” Some people find it helpful to attach such a practice to an activity you already do first thing in the morning:  perhaps as soon as your feet hit the floor, perhaps as you brew your coffee or brush your teeth.  Consider taking an activity that already occurs in your early morning, and making it a prayer of commitment to God, devoting your day and yourself to Him. Surrender yourself and your day to God.  If God is not first in your life, you may need to ask yourself if He really is even in your life--or is he only in your mind?  Pastor Adam used Hudson Taylor’s quote:  "Christ is either Lord of all or He is not Lord at all” to encourage us all to examine what priority God has in our life.

B)  Give God the first of EVERYTHING. This includes time, resources, opportunities, finances. How might you do this?  Pastor Adam suggested breaking it down into smaller steps. 

  1. Give God the first of the year. Perhaps this looks like giving God your prayer practices, perhaps fasting (this could be a fast from food, social media, critical talk, or even gossiping), Give God your year by starting or continuing a Bible reading routine or listening for His voice, etc. How can you give God the first of your new year? 

  2. Give God the first part of each month.  Consider setting aside time each month to notice and pay attention to the month past:  what worked? What didn’t work? Where did you sense growth with God? Where did you sense distance from God? What might God be inviting you into as you enter a new month? What might God be convicting you of? 

  3. Give God the first part of each week:  Church attendance is a good start, but perhaps you might consider Sundays being more a day for rest and reflection, i.e. more of a “sabbath” than just another work day?  How can you devote the beginning of your week to God and what He has for you? 

C)  Trust God’s faithfulness. As you begin to put God first in your life, you WILL see His faithfulness. Perhaps you might consider journaling so you can more readily look back and remember God’s faithfulness?  

THURSDAY:  Jeremiah 6:16:  As you stand at the crossroads of a new year, are  you willing to ask and seek the “good way and walk in it” with God’s help? Are you willing to trust the “ancient paths?”  Though there will be green pastures as well as dark valleys (Psalm 23), you can be assured of God’s companionship and care. Trust in His character. At times, the other way (not God’s) will be attractive. What is attractive about it? What entices you to step toward it? How can you make this part of your prayer life in 2020?

FRIDAY:  Proverbs 3:5-12:  Jean-Pierre De Caussade wrote in Abandonment to Divine Providence:  “If a faithful soul accepts God’s will and purpose in all simplicity, he will reach perfection without ever realizing it, just as a sick person who swallows his medicine obediently will be cured, although he neither knows nor cares about medicine.”  Are you willing to allow God to be the “divine physician” in your life for 2020?  How can you trust Him more in this hour? In this day?  Remember, one step at a time. 

SATURDAY:  Jeremiah 29:11:  Do you trust God’s character? Do you believe you can trust Him with your life, your heart, your schedule, your family, your job…..your everything?