What is a trigger or a pet peeve in your life? It may not alway present itself in a full blown public temper tantrum. Sometimes it can be more of a passive-aggressive internal seething. Or perhaps holding a deep seated grudge. However wrath may present itself in your life, it can breed bitterness. Are you willing to examine your heart in regard to wrath and bitterness and unforgiveness?
Wrath begins with rejection. We have all experienced it: at our job, in our marriage, from our family or friends, and even from a church. It sticks with us and can replay in our heads for years on end. As Pastor Adam pointed out, it is natural to want to "medicate" the pain from the rejection. Our anger feels "righteous" to us, so we seethe, harbor bitterness and maybe we end up blowing a fuse in some public way. Or maybe it plays out by the abuse of a substance or by mistreating our body some other way. Perhaps we mistreat and misjudge anyone who reminds us of the original offending party. When we harbor bitterness and do not go through a process of forgiveness, we continue to want to respond and retaliate in some way, shape or form. It eats us up from the inside out and can even affect our physical health and well being if not taken care of. Isn't it ironic that the One who created us and made us, KNOWS what we need to do for our ultimate internal and external health and well being? Ridding ourselves of wrath is one of those things. One of the scriptures this week tells us how. Are you willing to examine your heart, soul and mind regarding wrath?
INVITATION: Pray from Psalm 139 before we begin the week: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
MONDAY: Hebrews 12:1-3: Sin can "entangle" us and hinder our functioning. These verses talk about "running the race" but sin can entangle our mind and emotions as well as trip us up physically. As you read these verses, what word or phrase stands out to you? How might God be inviting you to "fix your eyes" on him regarding what triggers wrath in your life?
TUESDAY: Gen. 4:2-5: We don't know exactly why the Lord looked favorably on the offering of Abel and not on Cain's offering. Many theologians believe there may have been some specific instructions that Abel followed and Cain didn't (obedience), but we also know from other scriptures (see tomorrow's reading) that God cares about the state of our heart more than our methods. What have you done recently that was good and correct - and maybe even "holy" in outward appearance, but your heart wasn't in the right place?
WEDNESDAY: I John 3:12 and Hebrews 11:4. These verses, as well as I Samuel 15:22 indicate that God cares more about the state of our heart than any good, wonderful "sacrifices" or actions we might make. "To obey is better than sacrifice." Since God knows the state of our hearts, it is likely Cain's heart was harboring something and that is the reason his sacrifice was not accepted. From the earliest days, the first siblings that ever existed (Cain and Abel), had strife, jealousy and hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a reason many people give for leaving the church, or even cease being a follower of Jesus. Somehow hypocrisy is magnified when we see it among Christ followers, i.e. their actions do not match their words. Does it help you to realize that hypocrisy has existed from the very beginning of the Bible? Some people find it helpful to get mad at satan - the one who lives to "steal kill and destroy"- rather than to get mad at those who offend us. We ALL have sin in us - - within the church and without. Within politics and without. Within our families and without. There is NO ONE perfect except Jesus Christ. How can you keep your "eyes fixed on Him" more (as instructed in the scriptures we read on Monday) rather than on other people's sins and shortcomings? Are there churches or other believers you need to forgive?
THURSDAY: Hebrews 12:14-15: Bitterness is rooted in wrath. The rejections we have had in life become magnified, then triggered, and can be set off by anyone who even reminds us of the original trigger. It is important and powerful internal work with Jesus to examine and know your triggers. The "why" behind some of our behavior are ripe places to bring to the "throne of grace with confidence" (Heb. 4:16) and submit to Jesus and ask for His help to overcome. You are invited to pray and ask Jesus to go with you into today and show you any unobserved and undealt with triggers you may have. Then, ask Jesus Christ to be with you as you work toward healing.
FRIDAY: Gen. 4:6-9: Wrath wants to retaliate. Sin (wrath) is a cruel master. Retribution never solves a problem or helps healing. We must work at subduing wrath (and other sin) in our lives and hearts. Wrath left unattended leads to death. It may not be literal death, but it can cause the "death" of your joy, prosperity, peace, etc. And if you vent your wrath, it can cause the death of joy and peace in other people. Rather than retaliate we are called to forgive . Pastor Adam pointed out that forgiveness is NOT acting like nothing ever happened. Forgiveness involves acknowledging the wrong and hurt, yet CHOOSING to not respond or retaliate or get even. As you think about rejection, triggers and bitterness, is God bringing someone to mind you need to forgive?
SATURDAY: Ephesians 4:31-32: We get rid of wrath by forgiveness. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person. It is all about you and God. Your bitterness may very well be "justified" in the worlds view...and even in your view. However, God has called you to be His own and has forgiven you - even when you didn't deserve it. None of us deserved it. Yet Christ died for your sins and for mine. We can love. We can forgive. All because HE first loved and forgave us. It's a matter of stewardship. Are you going to be a hoarder of what God has freely given you or will you extend forgiveness to others? The feelings that trigger you WON'T immediately go away, but that doesn't mean you haven't forgiven. Jesus will help you and those feelings will lessen over time. He is faithful and trustworthy. Will you forgive and let go of any bitterness, anger and wrath? You are not alone in this process. Jesus stands ready to guide you into forgiveness and the "letting go" of these things that might be entangling you.