Slot machines are the biggest money makers in Las Vegas. However, they are programed to be what is known as "negative equity machines." If you play long enough, you will lose and you will be destroyed. Al Hassler taught today and suggested that greed has the same effect on our lives. It is ultimately a negative equity machine. If you "play" with greed long enough, you will lose and you will be destroyed. Greed ultimately destroys contentment, empathy and greatness.
Al pointed out how this series, and the helpful suggestions for battling these seven deadly sins, could cause a dangerous misconception--that Christianity is all about following a behavior modification program. If we behave a certain way and avoid certain things, then we will get "right" with God. That is NOT Christianity. It is, however, the essential truth taught by most other religions. Christianity is based on the Gospel. That word (gospel) literally means GOOD NEWS. News is the communication of an actual historical event. A good example might be the news that a Covid vaccine has been found. This is good news of an actual event. The Gospel is the good news that a savior came to earth to "make us right" with God. This good news is probably best described in John 3:16: God loved the world so much he sent his only son, Jesus. Jesus willingly died for you and for me. And if by faith you accept his sacrifice you will have everlasting life with God. There is NOT any behavior we have done or will do that will change this free gift. This is the gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ. Every time you dare to meet God in the vulnerability of your sin and shame, this "knowing"of the truth of the gospel is strengthened. Every time you fall back into a self improvement mode and try to bring God your best self, it is weakened. Following a set of rules and trying to adjust our behavior in order to somehow earn God is NOT good news.
INVITATION: Sin, such as greed, enslaves, but God delivers. He removes our hearts of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh. We find our freedom not apart from him and the boundaries he gives us, but with him and within those boundaries he has graciously given to us. Here is true fulfillment and true freedom, living out our Christian journey by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will energize you and give you the DESIRE to combat these seven deadly sins - including greed.
MONDAY: Matthew 20:1-15: Greed always causes grumbling and discontent. As long as you compare, there will be a lack of contentment. Greed destroys contentment. In what area of your life are you currently experiencing discontent? Are you willing to examine if greed might be involved?
TUESDAY: Matthew 20:16: This is one of the primary verses used to describe the "upside down" kingdom of God. It is counter-intuitive and counter-cultural. How can you cultivate a spiritual practice of being last? Lent is right around the corner, perhaps you can pray to see if God might be inviting you into a fast of some type? Have you ever considered fasting from the need to be seen as powerful? Or fasting from the need to be right? Could there be an invitation from God regarding the way greed may play out in your life and your relationship with God and others? Are you open to seeking God in all this?
WEDNESDAY: Matthew 20:17-19: Jesus is traveling to Jerusalem with his closest friends....his inner circle. He is telling them about the coming horrors he will experience. As you read these verses, try to enter the scene. Walk with Jesus and listen to what he says and what he expresses. Imagine how he might express all this to you. How do you feel? What does it make you think about Jesus? Do you feel compassion and empathy?
THURSDAY: Matthew 20:20-28: Greed destroys empathy. The human quest for greatness and power has caused untold meaningless hurt and damage and even bloodshed. If you want to know the true aim and direction of your life, ask yourself these questions: Where do I expend my greatest effort and energy? Is it to dominate others and gain control? Or is it to love and serve them? What is more important to me - taking charge or meeting needs? Do I prefer to act in secret or do I have a burning desire to be recognized? Greed always destroys true Godly greatness. How are you doing in GODLY greatness - the greatness of the "upside down" kingdom mentioned on Tuesday?
FRIDAY: I Thes. 5:16-18: Al suggested these verses to help battle greed. They will help you remain rooted in God's will and combat comparison and lack of contentment. Interestingly, Harvard, Stanford and many other highly respected research institutions cite this same thing: gratefulness and thankfulness increase happiness and joy. Isn't it interesting the Word of God instructed it nearly 2000 years ago? Do you value and take seriously the principles of scripture in your daily life? Do you make staying in "spiritual shape" as important as staying in physical shape, or keeping your mind active? All too often prayer and time in God's word are the first things to be thrown by the wayside when time or energy are short. Are there any spiritual disciplines or practices you might put into place to help you do "the will of Christ Jesus" as stated in these verses?
SATURDAY: Ezekiel 36: 26-27 & Phil. 2:12-13 & I Cor. 15:10: While there are things we can do and practices we can put into place, there is also the HUGE element of the Spirit moving us and energizing us to follow the leading of God in our lives. Al used the Philippians and Corinthians verses as good examples of how the Christian life is one of "both/and." Paul clearly states how the Spirit is at work, but so are we as we journey on this Christian path. How can you embrace both/and in your life and relationship with God today?