Stephen Eckert, a scientist and committed follower of Jesus Christ, taught on October 24 on the relationship between science and faith. It does not have to be an "either/or" type situation. A scientist can also be a person of faith. There is no contradiction between the two. Stephen pointed out how many people use science simply as an excuse to not examine the claims of Jesus Christ.
Stephen went into depth about world view, Biblical view and science view and how that can affect your perceptions, attitudes and actions. Please watch (or listen) to a replay of the teaching for a more in depth presentation on this topic.
INVITATION: The big picture for purposes of this week's study is that the only way of knowing certain things is to ask the originator to reveal truth. Stephen's example was a cake that was sitting on stage. No one except himself - the baker of the cake - knew the reason he baked the cake and brought it on stage with him (it was to honor our sound person, Daniel Puentes). The creator and originator of all things - GOD - has revealed truth in the Bible. Stephen pointed out that there is ample historical and scientific evidence of many things from scripture. He also pointed out that science does not and cannot tell us what we "should" or "ought" to do, i.e. what is RIGHT. The Bible is God's perfect revelation where science, history and morals all come together to reveal ultimate truth. What truth are you following in your life? Are you using science (or perhaps something else) as an excuse to keep from examining the truths of scripture? Many theologians believe if we could somehow grasp the true depth and absolutely unconditional love of God for us, it would change the world. Since the Bible talks a lot about that love, and since God is the originator and the "beginning and the end," we will dive into some scriptures about God's love for us. Do you think if you believed at your core how loved you are it might color your world view or scientific view , or maybe even help your Biblical worldview? Love changes EVERYTHING.
MONDAY: Romans 3:23: This is one of the key statements of the entire New Testament. It falls within the most powerful and thorough explanation of salvation by faith alone through the grace of God in the Bible. Before anyone can put their faith in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross to save them, they must believe and understand that they are a sinner in need of salvation. Paul teaches us that the “glory of God” is the standard, and no one but Jesus Christ has ever come close to meeting it. Unfortunately in our current culture, even so called "Christian churches" do not teach this doctrine anymore. It might offend. It might make someone feel bad. "Sin" is an unpopular word, and it is basically calling us all "sinners." It is calling us "bad people." That is not a popular message in our PC culture. How are you about owning the truth of the fact that you ARE a sinner and you ARE in need of the atoning death of Jesus Christ?
TUESDAY: John 3:16: God's love existed for you and for me since before we were born. It will exist after we have died. You are embraced by an everlasting love. It is that love for YOU personally that Jesus went to the cross. Have you ever made the conscious choice to accept the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for YOUR sins? Many people journey through life with the maverick (and very western) attitude of being able to "do it myself." There is a lot of pride in that attitude. There is also a lot of bondage and undue stress and pressure. Will you accept Jesus' free offer of grace today?
WEDNESDAY: I John 4:18: Is is possible that if you were to grasp--and then appropriate--God's unconditional love for you that it might help with fear in your life? There's no need to fear your failings and that God might "love you less." There's nothing you can do to make Him love you more, or anything you can do that will make Him love you less. How might you pray and meditate on HIS perfect love for you today?
THURSDAY: Romans 8:35; 37-39: There is NOTHING powerful enough to separate you from God's love. Do you feel separate from God's love? Do you think HE went somewhere or YOU went somewhere? How might you pray about that today?
FRIDAY: Ephesians 3:18-19: Are you comfortable with the mysteries of God......perhaps particularly pertaining to His love? One of the reasons we have a difficult time wrapping our arms around this is because the human capacity for love is so restrained and limited. It is a "mystery" how God loves perfectly. Is there some person in your past whose love has been hurtful or imperfect or behavior motivated that limits your capacity to accept the perfect and unconditional love of God? Ask God to help you with these mysteries today. Loving God and allowing God to love you - changes the way you love others.
SATURDAY: Psalm 5:11-12: How can you pray for God's love to be a shield in your life this week?