What do I do when I'm offended?

We have all been offended. The actual offense is an event.  BEING OFFENDED is a decision. It is sometimes like a little treasure we carry around in our pockets waiting to bring it out when we feel justified.  You have done it and so have I.  We stand on our "right" to be offended and hang onto it....sometimes for life.  What are you carrying around in your pockets in the way of "offenses"? 

Pastor Adam talked about the kinds of prisons we put ourselves in when we take the "bait" (sometimes called the bait of Satan)  and make the decision to be offended.  Turns out, we are the ones who hold the key to the prison.  In this weeks' study, Pastor Adam talks about 3 kinds of prisons that we build for ourselves. 

Taking offense keeps you from being all God intends. It keeps you in a prison where you are the one who holds the key. Would you rather continue to "stand on your rights" and block all God has for you, or are you ready to unlock the prison doors?  

INVITATION:  Have you gotten sucked into our current culture where being offended is applauded and it seems like "he who is offended most wins?"  As a believer, shouldn't we have a different mindset? After all, it's not about IF you will be offended, but only a matter of WHEN.  It happen to all of us. How do we prevent offenses from taking root and making us bitter?  The bitterness invariably causes separation from God and from others.  It can even be the root cause of struggles some people have with faith and God and church. Could that be the case in your life?  Are you ready to release yourself from prison with the help of God? Have you ever considered the possible connection between hanging on to offenses and your struggles....maybe particularly your faith struggles?   Do you want to continue to stand on your rights and carry around offenses, or do you wish to follow the leading of Christ? 

MONDAY:  Luke 9:51-56:  The Jews and Samaritans despised each other.  James and John step into the prison of trying to be God in these verses. They pass judgment and assume power and authority that is not theirs.  It is a heavy burden for any person to attempt to judge others. It is not your job and it invariably puts you into one of the prisons Pastor Adam spoke about--in this particular case it's the prison of trying to be God.   Are you carrying around more burden than is yours to carry because of trying to be God?  

TUESDAY:  "It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love."  This is a powerful quote from the late Billy Graham.  Are you operating outside of your calling in terms of what your job and responsibility is or is not?  Take this quote into your day today and ask God to help show you where you might be stepping out of your lane and assuming more burden and responsibility than was ever intended. Could this be adding stress in your life and putting you in a "prison" where you are holding the only key to get out? 

WEDNESDAY:  Luke 6:27-28:  These verses list all the instances when it seems "justified"  - even "right" or permissible to hold a grudge and carry an offense. Yet these verses instruct us to take a different course of action than what the world (and even many believers) think is normal. Love enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you.  What?  Which one seems hardest for you? How might you pray about that today? 

THURSDAY:  Proverbs 18:19:  Pastor Adam spoke about the second prison of offense:  The Prison of Isolation.  Being offended leads to struggles which invariably separate us from God and others.  Separation is a tool Satan uses powerfully!  It might start by being separated from spending time with God, or your friends and fellow believers, then it might separate you from family.  There is a huge impact on our health, our mental well being, and our spiritual lives when we are isolated.  "Disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel."  Sounds like a prison, doesn't it?  Are you holding a key to the prison of isolation?  Have you allowed some offense to isolate you?  

FRIDAY:  Esther 5:9-13:  The last prison is the Prison of Opinions.  Sometimes we allow our lives to become shaped by what we think others think of us.  Pastor Adam issued a goal:  Make it hard to be offended.  What if you even made it a goal to REFUSE to be offended?  What might that look like in your life this week?  How can you pray for the help of the Holy Spirit in this regard?

SATURDAY:  Romans 5:6-11:  The way out of our prison is by forgiveness.  That is the key that we hold.  We forgive because we are forgiven.  The only way forgiveness makes sense is in the shadow of the cross.  It is a matter of stewardship.  Are you going to withhold from others (maybe even those who have offended you) what you were graciously given by Christ?  Are you ready to use your key?