The more we truly set our sights on knowing Jesus - his character, his qualities and his love - and quit settling for just knowing ABOUT him, the more we can become like him. Do you long to walk intimately with Jesus Christ and to truly KNOW him and have him know you? Do you long to become more like Jesus?
Author and Christian psychologist David Benner writes: It is quite possible to be stuffed with knowledge about God that does nothing to help us genuinely know either God or ourselves. Having information about God is no more transformational than having information about love. Theories and ideas about God can sit in sturdy storage canisters in our mind and do absolutely no good. (From The Gift of Being Yourself, page 24).
INVITATION: We begin a new series this week called "Encountering Jesus." We will be looking at many of the statements Jesus made about himself. The people who heard these statements over 2000 years ago needed to decide if He truly was who he said He was. Most of them didn't believe him. During the course of our lives, we all need to make our own decision. Is Jesus truly who He says He is? If so, how is that making a difference in your life? Are you ready to take him out of any "sturdy storage canister" you may have him in and truly KNOW Him and allow Him to know you? Are you willing to pray about and be open to "Encountering Jesus" during this series?
MONDAY: 2 Cor. 3:16-18: Knowing the Lord brings freedom and transformation. Do you desire those things in your life and relationships? What are you doing to grow in these areas? Do you feel you are being "transformed into his likeness" as time goes on? As you reflect on the trajectory of your life, it it moving more toward Jesus Christ or away?
TUESDAY: John 6:25-34: The people following Jesus had their physical appetites satisfied and witnessed Jesus do a great "trick" in miraculously feeding the crowd. They wanted to be with Jesus and to know more about him because of what he might do for them and provide for them. It was all about them, and not about Jesus. Why do you seek out a relationship with Jesus? Is it for his "tricks and treats" or is it for who He is?
WEDNESDAY: John 6:35-36: In this statement, Jesus is revealing himself as the Messiah. The same "I am" who spoke to Moses from the burning bush (see scriptures for Thursday). Jesus was telling the people "I AM GOD. I AM THE MESSIAH. These people wanted more bread in their tummy, but Jesus was telling them He IS their bread. Is Jesus the sustenance of your life? Do YOU believe Jesus is who He claims to be? As C.S.Lewis once wrote, you must decide because he is either who he says he is, or he is a lunatic or a liar.
THURSDAY: Exodus 3:14: Today's devotional reading comes from one of the 2019 Advent writings about Jesus' declaration of being "I Am."
John 8:58: "I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
Exodus 3:13-14: Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, “The God of your father has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, “What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ “
When this phrase is used by Jesus, He is being specific about several revelations regarding his identity and nature. He is claiming to be much more than a rabbi or a prophet. Jesus is claiming to be THE Messiah - God in human form. Jesus refers to himself as “the door,” “the bread of life,” “the good shepherd” and other “I am” statements. Which “I am” statement might you need Christ to be for you today?
Perhaps you have a ready answer for that question. You may have a deep longing, desire, or need that you can name. But sometimes we have no words. Sometimes we don’t really even know for sure what we need or desire. But we have an I AM who is standing ready to meet you right where you are - even if you don’t really know where that is or what it means.
In the spiritual realm of life and experiences, sometimes there are no adequate words - or no words at all. It's times like this where I (Jan) find meditating and marinating on “I am” extremely powerful. “I AM who I AM.” Who comes up with a reply and a name like this other than something and someone that is beyond words? How DO you describe God, the incarnate one, the Alpha and the Omega? If you think about it, “I AM” is profound. The “I AM” is the “was and is and is to come.” The beginning and the end. The First and the Last.
Trying to explain “I am” is futile. It is spiritually discerned and spiritually known. It is not something that can be taught or discussed. I AM is experienced. Perhaps it's like poetry, or a beautiful painting. There are so many layers, you never see or experience them all. You just keep coming back over and over again.
Do you need “I AM” in your life today? Sometimes the arts can capture spiritual things the best.
PRAYER: Father, I acknowledge you as “I am.”
NUGGET: Take the mystery of “I Am” into your day today. Ruminate. Marinate. Process. Pray. How does God meet you in this? It could be that “I Am” is something you take with you for weeks and months to come.
FRIDAY: Psalm 34:8: Have you tasted deeply that the Lord is good in your life? Do you rely on him for daily sustenance and provision? How can you seek to be intentional about "tasting" each and every day?
SATURDAY: John 6:66-69: Sometimes the things Jesus says are just too hard. Many of Jesus' disciples just could not accept his teaching (such as Him saying He was "the bread of life"). They decided to leave. What is Jesus asking you to face that seems too hard for you right now? To whom will you go? Your friend? Your counselor? Your therapist? Your spiritual adviser or Spiritual Director? They will surely try to help. But who has the words of eternal life? When life is too hard, do you really believe in the Holy One of God? The "I am?" It may help you to write your response out as a prayer. Go to Jesus today and tell him about those things that are too hard for you.