The apostle John knew the heart of Jesus. He carefully recorded the "I am" statements that Jesus made. They were very bold statements because he was using a using a unique phrasing (Ego Eime) used only in the Old Testament when referring to God. Jesus' use of this phrase told those who were listening that he was claiming to be God. He was claiming to be the long awaited Messiah. This was outrageous to many of his listeners. The religious elite were outraged by these "I am" statements because they understood that this rebel teacher was claiming to be God. These men saw Jesus. They heard Jesus. They even listened to his teaching. However, they were a million miles away from the heart of Jesus.
INVITATION: This week we continue to look at some of the "I am" statements that Jesus made, focusing on "I Am the light." Similar to last week's study, it is helpful to consider context. The setting in which Jesus made this claim was the temple--where the religious elite were trying to trap Jesus. They had caught a woman in the act of adultery and brought her before Jesus and the crowd that was listening to him teach. They were actually trying to use this humiliated woman as their pawn. It would have been a high drama situation and probably very tense. Can you imagine the shame this woman was feeling? Try putting yourself there in the temple for this week's readings. Sitting amongst the religious elite listening to Jesus teach as this woman was brought in. Enter into the following scenes:
MONDAY John 8:1-11: These verses provide the context for this week's "I am" statement. As mentioned above, the environment would have been intense, as the religious elite tried to trap Jesus. Sometimes we too readily believe another's words of condemnation rather than seek the word and the light of Jesus. Jesus invites us out of darkness and the death of condemnation and shame into the light of life. Sit for a few moments with that last sentence. What is Jesus calling into the light from your life? Do you TRULY hear and know the heart of Jesus, or just his words?
TUESDAY: John 8:12: Just after Jesus exposed not only the woman, but also the religious elite, he extended grace and mercy to her. Then he made this profound "I am" statement. Jesus said I am "the light of the world" and that "whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Things in the dark are used by the evil one. The light heals. What are you needing to bring into the light of Jesus Christ today? How do you feel about having more of the "light of life" in your life? Have you been living in a state of knowing intellectually that the light exists, but not truly experiencing it? The religious leaders that were present seemed to hear the words but not understand their true meaning or the heart of Jesus. What about you? Do you truly desire to know the person of Jesus Christ who came to earth and died for you?
WEDNESDAY: John 1:5 & 9: John uses the example and the word "light" many places in his gospel writing. Verse 9 mentions the "true light." Do you consider Jesus Christ the "true light" of the world? Of your life? Healing can occur in the light. Are you ready for Jesus to bring healing into your heart, mind and soul? Will you allow his light to shine, expose and change you?
THURSDAY: Isaiah 9:1-2: Envision the light dawning on people who live in great darkness; the breaking of the bar of oppression; the stilling of the fever of war; the appearance of the divinely given Child who brings a time of justice and peace. Let yourself see the child vividly; perhaps the child is shining with God's light. Imagine that light touching your life. Imagine the light bringing light into the darkness of this world. The darkness that is in our world right now. The darkness that might be in your life right now. What invitation to you sense from God as you participate in this type of prayer from these verses in Isaiah?
FRIDAY: John 8:13-19: The Pharisees are experts in the law but don't understand matters of the heart. Have you allowed your heart to experience scripture and a relationship with Jesus Christ or have you stayed mostly in your head? I Corinthians tells us that "knowledge puffs up." We are to "love the Lord your God with all your HEART, mind and soul...." (Matthew 22:37). It's interesting the heart is mentioned first. Have you closed off your heart regarding a love relationship with Jesus? Are you willing to talk with Him about that today?
SATURDAY: Genesis 1:1-3: The first command in scripture is "let there be light". Before that there was no form or purpose or light. How has God brought form, purpose and light into your life recently? Are you willing to surrender and trust God and His plans and purposes in your life to bring even more form, purpose and light?