If the Spirit of the living God is active and present in you and in me - shouldn't there be something unordinary about us? Shouldn't there be something unordinary about The Church as a whole? This is not about "better than" or "more holy." It's about the living, breathing Spirit of God and the fruit of the Spirit that is produced in our lives and spills over into the lives of everyone around us. Fruit grows slowly. Weeds grow quickly. What are you cultivating and growing in your life? What is spilling out of you and affecting your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors?
As we continue in the series "The Art of Being Unordinary," we take a look at kindness this week. Who doesn't like a kind person? It is a trait that is universally respected and admired, whether someone is a believer or not. Sadly, however, kindness is a trait that for most of us most we only display on occasion rather than it being a hallmark of our lives.
INVITATION: This week we look beyond the general belief and notion we should be kind, and we dig a bit deeper into WHY and HOW we should be kind in today's culture. What does God's word have to say about it? As Pastor Adam pointed out, in this day and age it seems that combative people get all the attention, especially "clicks" on social media. Why should we strive for kindness when no one else seems to? Pastor Adam mentioned three ways we can tangibly focus on being kind. The verses this week encourage us toward: 1) Kind communication; 2) Kind actions; 3) Kind reactions. How might you incorporate these into your life this week? Why should you even try to incorporate these into your life?
MONDAY: Matthew 7:15-23: A good tree CANNOT bear bad fruit. A tree that produces fruit requires a lot of tending, care and time. This is NOT about trying harder and gritting your teeth, attempting to behave better and "be more kind" today. It is about cultivating an environment that changes you from the inside out. Fruit is produced naturally by the good nutrients that are within you. In past weeks we have talked about how producing the fruit of the Spirit is more about an ongoing training process than trying harder. It is about cultivating your "soil" and growing fruit that comes from deep within rather than as a result of a grit your teeth, ego driven willfulness to "do better." What practices and habits do you have in your schedule that are contributing to your life becoming a good tree and producing good fruit? Are they coming from a source of willfulness or willingness, love and desire to radiate Christ more?
TUESDAY: I Chron. 16:34: God's kindness and lovingkindness is mentioned 182 times in the NASB version of the Bible. Kindness is one of the primary characteristics of God. Do you long for and strive toward kindness in your life? Kindness is different from being nice. Kindness has a price. It is based in love and unselfishness. "Nice" is more on the surface--in many ways a superficial trait. The bible never even instructs us to be "nice". Are you willing to pray for a chance to demonstrate kindness today? If so, be prepared to get (to quote Pastor Adam) "homework from the Holy Spirit!"
WEDNESDAY: Romans 2:4: Kindness is how God works. It is His method. All the means that God uses to bring us to faith are expressions of His kindness. Even before we are aware that we need or want to know God, he reaches out to draw us toward himself. What is your first memory or awareness of God? What circumstances led you to repentance? Try to recall your first memory of praying or wanting to pray, the person who first mentioned God to you, the person who taught you your first memory verse, etc. In more recent times, who has helped you learn about God or mature in the ways of God? Who has inspired you to want to know God more deeply. Give thanks today for the kindness that has nurtured your faith. It is from God.
THURSDAY: MICAH 6:6-8: Kindness is what God wants. Let this passage speak directly to you. Slowly read it - perhaps aloud and more than once. What word or phrase or image draws your attention? Wait silently and listen for the still, small voice of God in you. Do you have an invitation from God from these verses?
FRIDAY: Ephesians 4:29-32 & Proverbs 12:25: Kind words can change someones life forever. It can change their view and opinion of God or The Church. As we have already seen, it can cause repentance. As you review this week, what kind words have come your way? How do they make you feel? How have you communicated kindness to others? What about even to yourself? If you constantly play a negative message to yourself (perhaps it even comes from unkindness said or done to you in childhood), it is much harder to extend kindness to others. How can you replace the negative message with God's truth?
SATURDAY: Matthew 5:14-16 & Matthew 6:35-36: Your kind actions - and RE-actions can shine a light into a dark world. As Adam reminded us, you don't have to "endorse someone's choices, but listen to their voices." How can you listen well and be less reactive this week?