
The fruit of the Spirit we will focus on this week is PATIENCE.  Perhaps this is the fruit everyone loves to hate. We all know we need it, but seem to lose it easily even when we are trying the hardest.  Even when our intentions are good. Even when - and maybe particularly when - it is something we are praying about!  Does this sound familiar?  

It seems even the apostle Paul experienced this type of battle.  In Romans 7 he writes:  "I do not understand what I do . For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do..."  Do you ever feel that way about patience? Sometimes we don't even understand the how and why we lose our patience: maybe it's as soon as someone hits that trigger button of yours, or that car goes slow in the fast lane, or your child says that certain thing........and the list could go on and on for ways we surprise ourselves and lose our patience. We ALL have our areas where our patience is tested.  

As mentioned in previous weeks, trying harder usually never pays off. Training - spiritual disciplines and practices put into our lives on a regular basis until they become habits - are a much more reliable and successful way of growing in the fruit of the spirit based in love for God and others.  It is how we can ultimately become something "unordinary" rather than fitting in with the culture.  Trying harder typically comes from a place of willfulness. When we operate from a place of willfulness it usually stems from a teeth gritting place of determination with a lot of ego involved as opposed to flowing from a place of love. What God desires is external actions that spring from inner longings for relationship and intimacy.  Love based spiritual practices open us up and makes us more alive, whereas willful determination makes us more closed and less "unordinary" and exhibiting the fruit from the Holy Spirit. 

Who knows? Perhaps God will use the cultivation of patience - or any of the fruit of the spirit - in your life this week?  Perhaps this will be the week those around you notice something "unordinary" and attractive about you?  

INVITATION:  Tiffany Harris spoke this week about how patience and waiting go hand in hand. Patience has a lot to do with the HOW you wait.  In the New Testament the original language speaks of "a long temper."  In the Old Testament the translation of the Hebrew word speaks more of a slow to anger.  Certainly they are related and similar.  Tiffany said a practice that helps her is to allow time, space and margin around things before she immediately has a knee jerk reaction, emotion or words.  Perhaps that is a spiritual discipline you consider taking into your days and week as you begin this week's study?  Consider praying for God's help in this regard. 

MONDAY:  2 Peter 3:9:  God is patient.  How has he been patient in your life? How has he been patient recently?  Is there a way you can be a steward of God's patience toward you by exercising it toward someone else this week?  A spouse? A child? A co-worker? A neighbor?  Maybe even someone who particularly tries your patience? 

TUESDAY:  James 5:7-8: Patience is important in all seasons. What is it about the season of life you are currently in that tests your patience the most? How might you place that into God's hands today in prayer?

WEDNESDAY:  Psalm 37:7:  Patience involves a heart posture. We've used the imagery of preparing land for cultivation previously in this study:  how are you preparing the soil of your life so that God's seeds can be planted and watered?  Corinthians tells us that it is "neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything but only God makes things grow."  Your life is God's field. How are you preparing to be able to hear from and respond to God?  Perhaps this can be part of your "training" toward being more unordinary? Who comes to mind that you know who has a good "heart posture" in their life?  What can you learn from that? 

THURSDAY:  Hebrews 11:1:  Patience is based on the LONG view.  The big picture. Eternity.  How and when do you manifest a "short view" in your life that may be challenging to your development of the fruit of patience? 

FRIDAY: Proverbs 19:11 & Proverbs 15:15:  Patience is a wise response and a calm response.  The Proverb 19 verse mentions "overlooking an offense."  How might that be helpful for your patience this week?  Think back on the last time you were unable to overlook an offense.  How did that turn out for you?  

SATURDAY:  PGE:  Tiffany mentioned how P=atience G=rowing E=xperience situations come into our life almost daily. She encouraged us to embrace these moments! Consider the following reflections the next time PGE's come into your life:  How might God use the situation in your life ?  Are you clinging too tightly to desired outcome and trying to control? How can you make the waiting time holy?  Is there a way you might be willing to allow God to change your perspective?  How might you press into this PGE time and allow God to teach you?