The mission statement of Rockhills church (which captures the Great Commission of Jesus from the gospel of Matthew) is "Love God; love others. Helping people find and follow Jesus." We don't want to be a faith community that only HOPES that people find and follow Jesus, but we want to HELP others find and follow Jesus.
This "Back to Basics" series will help us all at a very practical level. Pastor Adam will be teaching from the acronym BLESS, and this week the "B" is this: BEGIN WITH PRAYER. Isn't that a reasonable starting place for anything in our lives? Missionary to China Hudson Taylor has a great quote: "Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterward. Begin your day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him."
That is a great and inspiring quote, but perhaps it seems overwhelming or impossible with your schedule? Here's good news: It doesn't have to mean you have to get up an hour earlier, or make some major life adjustment. How could you "tune your heart" to God each day? What might help you get your heart, mind and soul in a Godly stance to begin your day? The Rockhills website has a great resource to help you find a good rhythm of prayer in your life and schedule. You can find it here: and you may be pleasantly surprised by some of the suggestions that will be able to fit into your daily life rhythms and match your personality and temperament.
INVITATION: How can you make prayer a daily rhythm in your life? How can you tangibly help others "find and follow Jesus?" Some people assume they have to have a bunch of Bible verses memorized or be a seasoned and well-versed theologian. That's not the case at all! It can simply mean being available to be a friend. Maybe it looks like having coffee with a neighbor. Perhaps it means being an intentional listener and silently praying (and waiting) for the right opportunity for God to open a door? Join in this week as we look at some verses to help get "back to basics" of loving God, loving others, and helping people find and follow Jesus. The first step is the "B": Begin with prayer.
MONDAY: Matthew 28:18-20: This is often called "The Great Commission." It is the job assignment of the resurrected Jesus to his disciples. That is you and that is me. That is all believers. This is one of those sections in Scripture that can seem overwhelming if we assume it means to leave everything and become a missionary. You know what? You already are a missionary! Right where you are. Right where God has you. What would it look like for you to begin each day in a prayer stance of availability to Jesus to be used however He wanted? A place of surrender to be available for whatever God intends on that particular day? It might even be helpful to read this scripture each morning as a reminder of your TRUE job calling in life. How can you surrender your life to God's purposes each morning, thereby recommitting to being a missionary each and every day?
TUESDAY: Luke 6:12-16: This is another section of scripture that can seem intimidating..... are you supposed to spend "all night praying to God" like Jesus did? What is your prayer rhythm? Does prayer seem overwhelming or intimidating to you? Do you find yourself praying only when you desire favors or there is an emergency? Could you be missing the opportunity to sit in the presence of Christ? Prayer doesn't have to be complicated or last all night. The above referenced prayer resource on the Rockhills website might be helpful for you to find a rhythm that works for you. Some people find it helpful to attach prayer to an activity or action they already do. Maybe that means simply saying The Lord's Prayer as you brush your teeth in the morning? Do you DESIRE time alone with the Father? If not, what about starting there: ask God to change your heart to have a desire for prayer and time with Him?
WEDNESDAY: John 9:25: As you consider God's call to "help others find and follow Jesus" the pressure is OFF! God does the transforming. We are only called to be obedient. As you consider that, do you usually find yourself in a place of hoping someone else is obedient or that God will call on someone else? Do you think you might overcomplicate it? Have you ever considered that you only need to tell YOUR story? How have you experienced God in your life? What has God done for you during your faith journey?
THURSDAY: I Peter 3:15: "Always be give the reason for the hope that you have." If someone asked you about your hope and faith today, how would you reply? Would you get tongue-tied? Ask the Lord to help you craft a "short version" of your faith story so that you are always prepared. Then, are you willing to ask the Lord to give you an opportunity to share it? Again, the Great Commission need not be intimidating or major. It might mean a quick conversation in the lunchroom at work today. Or perhaps it's the neighborhood child you are driving home from school. Are your spiritual eyes, ears and heart open for opportunities or do you hope that calling will go to someone else?
FRIDAY: Pastor Adam asked everyone to begin a prayer practice of praying for others. Is that a practice in your prayer life? It not only helps them, it grows us in compassion, empathy AND our prayer life! Adam suggested: 1) Write down 1-3 people who God brings to mind that you can pray for; 2) Begin a rhythm of prayer in your daily life; 3) Create reminders to pray for the folks your write down (phone, sticky notes, etc.); 4) Think about these people and their needs, then be alert for opportunities that God will bring to meet those needs or talk with those people.
SATURDAY: Pastor Adam shared a prayer tool to help us come up with our list of people we will begin praying for: FRANK. F = Friends; R = Relatives; A = Associates; N = Neighbors and K = Kids contacts. If you don't have kids, think of another "K" that will make the acronym work to help you know who to pray for.
What kind of prayer rhythm will you begin in your daily walk with God?