The Gospel

There are many areas of our life where it is beneficial and growth producing to go back to the beginning and focus on the basics. Sports, music, and art are a few examples. It is true in the Christian faith as well. Focusing on the foundational truths of the Christian faith is often beneficial in helping us remember the who, what, when and WHY of the core of our life and existence. Al Hassler did that today in the teaching at Rockhills Church. 

What are the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith? What makes you a Christian? It's not your parents (that's biology) or the country you live in (that's geography). Christianity is a faith based upon belief. What are YOUR core beliefs? How long has it been since you've focused on the basics of those beliefs? Why do you think it might be important from time to time? 

INVITATION: This week we look at the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith. Al Hassler talked about how beliefs were shared through creeds and other oral traditions in the early years of the Christian faith. This is because most people could not read and there were no printing presses/books/publications. Paul penned what is known as the first creed ever recorded. As best we can tell, it was recorded only a few years after the death of Jesus. Join us this week as we dig into that creed and remember the basic foundations of the Christian faith. 

MONDAY: I Cor. 15:1-5: Sin. Does this seem like a "dirty word" to you? Is it offensive? It is often taken out of most teaching these days, even within the church. The cancel culture is so strong, and the fear of offending so pervasive, that the truth of God has been buried. Yet these verses, the first Creed ever, make it clear that CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS. My sins. Your sins. We have ALL sinned. Sin came into existence at the very beginning of man and women with Adam and Eve. Why do we bury it when it's the very reason Christ came to earth, suffered and died? It is a core and foundational belief of our faith. It is truth. Do you sweep the existence of sin under a rug in life in general? What about in your own personal life? Do you try to pretend it doesn't exist or do you own up to your imperfect state and keep a short account with God through prayer, confession and receiving forgiveness? 

TUESDAY: Jeremiah 9:24: The character of God delights in righteousness and justice and kindness. Failure to follow the law is NOT just or righteous and we all know that within the depths of our being. We know this because we are made in the image of God and his character "delights" in righteousness and justice. We are all sinners. We are all law breakers and criminals and the only thing that is truly just is for us to pay for our "crimes." Have you ever thought about the how and why of your conscience? That nagging when you make wrong choices? Do you think it's an accident? It isn't an accident--it is built into the core of your being because you are made in the image of God. What is your practice when your conscience (the Holy Spirit) taps on your shoulder? Is there an invitation from God in this regard? 

WEDNESDAY: Isaiah: 53:5: Isaiah was a prophet who lived 500 years before Jesus and was recording what God told him about Jesus....the coming Messiah. This entire chapter is profound and prophetic as it points to Jesus and a foundation of the Christian faith: Jesus died for our sins. It was a plan put into place by God. For my benefit and for yours. How does it make you feel to think about the God of the universe loving you this much......before you even existed? 

THURSDAY: I Cor. 15:3(b)-5: This first creed goes on to say that Jesus "was buried, , that he was raised on the third day." The resurrection of Jesus is a core belief of the Christian faith. This chapter later goes on to state that ..."if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." People often want the resurrection to be proven to them. However, scientific things and historical things are proven in different ways. Pastor Adam and Stephen Eckert both did excellent teaching on these topics in our #struggles series and Al encouraged everyone to listen to those teachings if they have doubts. History is proven by eye witness evidence and word of mouth. There are more manuscripts about the resurrection of Jesus than any other ancient historical event. What do you believe in your heart of hearts about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? If you have doubts , are you willing to examine the evidence?

FRIDAY: I Cor. 15:6-8: Evidence of the resurrection includes many eye witnesses. There is more evidence recorded in the four gospels. As you study the apostles, they had a complete heart change after the resurrection. That, too, is evidence. Who preaches the resurrection of Jesus at the risk of death and torture if they do not truly believe it? This was more than a belief about doing the "right" or "good" thing and MAYBE getting into heaven. This was giving their life away for a cause. The cause was Jesus Christ....the core of the Christian faith. THIS IS THE GOSPEL. This is good news! Believing and behaving correctly in "hopes" of heaven is NOT good news. The gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth that he paid the price we owe is good news! Are you willing to be humble enough to believe you are not good enough for heaven on your own merits? Has the truth of the gospel gotten to be "old news" in your life? How might you pray for renewal and rejuvenation from the Spirit of God regarding your faith? 

SATURDAY: Here is a link to the video Al showed during his teaching. It is the gospel presentation done in four minutes by the artist "Propoganda." What resonates and stands out to you from this video?