“Jesus understood that when we share a table with other people,
that it’s an opportunity to share how our lives have been changed.”
~Pastor Adam Harris
Today Pastor Adam continues the series, Back to Basics, and we talked about the “E” of the acronym B.L.E.S.S. “E” stands for Eat Together. This may seem simple enough since eating is something that we all need to do. Food is nutritional, but it has a relational element as well. If we took a few minutes and reflected back over our life, birthdays, holidays, life celebrations-happy or sad, food played a key role. Sure we may not remember the exact menu, but we more than likely forged memories that we now carry with us. Jesus understood the benefit and blessing of eating together. According to the website owlcation.com, “Food is mentioned 90 times in the Gospels. Eating is mentioned at least 109 times.” In the Bible, sharing a meal carried relational weight, who you ate with was a statement of who you loved, it was a statement of social status. So many judged Jesus for who He ate with. We read in Matthew 9:9-13 about Jesus approaching Matthew and saying “Follow Me.” Matthew was a tax collector and they were not the most liked group of people. The first thing Matthew does is to prepare a feast. He shared the table with Jesus, the disciples, and the other tax collectors. Jesus accepted Matthew and accepted his friends, but the Pharisees were thoroughly disgusted that Jesus would eat with them. Jesus addressed them very clearly in Matthew 9:12-13 by saying that He has come for the sick and sinners. He shares the table with you and I. Who are we sharing the table with?
As we consider what God is speaking to us through this sermon, particularly “E” Eat Together, let’s prayerfully consider our relationship with food, who we share the table with currently, and who God may be calling us to share the table with.
Luke 7:34-35 “The Son of Man came eating and drinking and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ 35)But wisdom is proved right by all of her children.” Take some time today to reflect on those you may consider “tax collectors and sinners”. Who has God placed in your life that he is asking you to share a table with? Family? Friend? Neighbor? Co-worker? Ask the Lord to make it clear and provide an opportunity.
Today, take some time to reflect on your most memorable meal ever. Who was there? What was the reason for the meal? Do you remember what was served? The conversation? Why was it your most memorable meal? Maybe it is a good memory and maybe it is a tough one. Take some time to reflect and bring it to the Lord. Allow Him to speak to your heart.
Take some time to read Matthew 9:9-13. Are you surprised that Jesus ate with Matthew? How do you think Matthew might have felt eating with Jesus? Would you feel surprised if Jesus asked to eat with you? Why or why not? How would you feel to share a meal with Him?
Have you ever made an excuse to get out of sharing the table with someone? Why? Was it someone you didn’t know well, so you felt uncomfortable? Was it someone that you were struggling to accept? Now think about a time you accepted an invitation and it turned out surprisingly well. Did you end up meeting a person that is now a good friend simply by sharing a meal? Take some time to think about having a “redo” and inviting “that” person for a meal. No strings attached, just a meal and fellowship. Maybe they just need someone to listen.
Read Acts 2:46 “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,” When we share a meal, we share the best of what we have to offer. This is not only true of the food we provide, but we tend to offer the best of ourselves as well.
Jesus wants us to share the table with those He has put in our path. Pray and ask Him who that is for you. Take a step and make a phone call, send a text, and schedule a meeting. Pray and ask God to prepare your heart and their heart for what He wants to do. And go with a thankful heart for His provision and let Him work through you to help others find and follow Jesus.