Have you ever noticed that human beings tend toward being selfish? It comes naturally. It is our default setting.
Jesus calls us to selflessness. However, that requires a paradigm shift. We all WANT to be selfless, but the gap between wanting it and doing it can be huge. It requires a paradigm shift in our thinking and our behavior.
Jesus wants to change our paradigm. He calls us to go against our default selfish nature to serve others selflessly. So often we find we love the IDEA of serving, but then fall short when it comes to actually serving. Jesus calls us to more than just believing that serving is a good thing. He calls us to actually DO it.
INVITATION: Jesus laid aside his authority, his crown and his rights in order to serve others. What might you need to lay aside to be free from your default selfish nature and serve others?
MONDAY: John 13:1-5: These verses show a clear paradigm shift of the power constructs of the day. This was an honor/shame culture. Even though Jesus had the right to claim his place of honor, he chose to humbly serve. Is there any block in your life to serving others? What might you need to set aside? Riches? Power? Control? What other people think?
TUESDAY: John 13:6-8: Peter vehemently refuses to have his feet washed. How do you feel about others serving you? Could there be any pride involved in that? We are ALL needy. We are born that way. We were created that way. After Adam was created, God said "Adam, it's not good for you to be alone." God actually created Adam with the NEED for human companionship. What might it look like for you to become more honest and open about your vulnerable needs?
WEDNESDAY: John 13:9-11: Jesus' point in his demonstration of loving and serving his friends goes much deeper than just being clean and washed. It is a call to deeply loving and caring for others. It is dying to self and the demands of our flesh patterns and default settings. Are you settling for less in your life? Even though it involves "dying" to self and it can feel like death to lay aside our selfish nature, it ultimately leads to more freedom. Letting go of and dying to the "sin that so easily entangles" (Heb. 12:1-3) is freedom in Christ. Can you trust God in that?
THURSDAY: John 13:34-35: Do people know you by your love and service? Are people drawn to Jesus because of you? "Love so that those who know you and don't know Him will want to know Him because they know you." Jesus knows you through and through. He knows your heart and there is no shame in that. Be honest with God today about what might hold you back. Even when the rich young ruler could not give away his riches, Jesus looked on him with love. He looks on you with love as well. You are in a safe place for God to begin dismantling anything that may be holding you back.
FRIDAY: John 13:12-17: Jesus asked the disciples if they understand based on His example. He basically stated, "Now that you KNOW, go and DO." Do you find yourself living in the land of "knowing" the right things to do, but not doing them? Today you are invited to spend some time in prayer, asking the Spirit of God to show you simple, small ways to make a difference in the lives around you.
SATURDAY Matthew 20:26-28: How might you serve today and this week? Serving others is a matter of stewardship: doing what Jesus did. It is also a matter of obedience. We are called to more than just "knowing" the right thing to do. How will you "do" the right thing today and this week?