Your story is unique and it is often key to making a difference in someone else's life. You and I are part of a much larger story that God is still in the process of writing.
"Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary use words." This quote is most often attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi. You don't have to have all the doctrinal answers in order to share the gospel. You don't have to be a theological whiz. You don't have to know lots of memory verses. You only need to be willing to let you life speak. When necessary, use words. Pastor Adam suggested the following format to use to prepare for when the Holy Spirit presents an opportunity to share your story with others: I was _____ , but God _____ and now I _______. How would you fill in these blanks?
This is the last in the series "Back to Basics." Pastor Adam has taught through the acronym BLESS.
B = Begin with prayer
L = Listen with care
E = Eating together
S - Serving others
S = Share your story
INVITATION: What is your story telling others about the power of God? Sometimes the person in the mirror needs to hear your story the most--because often it is helpful and encouraging to remind ourselves of all God has done for us. How have you seen the faithfulness of God in your life story? How might you implement these basics (BLESS) in your walk with Jesus this week?
MONDAY: I Peter 3:15: Are you always "prepared to give an answer" for your hope and for what God has done in your life? Perhaps Pastor Adam's example sentence above is something you can take into prayer and ask God to help you with your story?
TUESDAY: Matthew 10:19-20: Your story + God's ability is a powerful combination. It is not your job to change or convince anyone. We are only called to be available. Are you willing to pray for God to give you an opportunity to share your story this week?
WEDNESDAY: Romans 10:14-15: Do you believe that your story is unique and special in terms of God's big special? Do you believe God has the power and ability to bring along just the right person who needs to hear it? Are you open and looking for such an opportunity?
THURSDAY: John 9:1-12: The blind man couldn't explain the science behind his healing. He probably knew little theology. But he had a story of what Jesus did in his life. You also have a story. What has Jesus done in your life? What are you longing for Him to do? How can you bring that into prayer today?
FRIDAY: John 9:24-25: The authorities and religious leaders did not want Jesus getting credit for this miracle. Yet the blind man continued to tell others that "once I was blind but now I see." Could this be an example of how you might tell your story? Spend some time today thinking about your "before" story. What are you grateful for? What is your "now" story? What are your desires for your story to be in the future? Many people find this exercise powerful with picture. Consider using magazines or other resources and make a collage of your past, present and future story.